
i'm on...

i'm on...

she did it.

and i loved it.

so i had to do it too!

{by the way... you should go see her fun and inspiring blog.}

anyway, here's my list of nine things

that make me feel like i’m on cloud 9,

in no particular order {and in no way an exhaustive list }.

watching monk with b.
{sadly, we're almost done with the last season }

finishing a wedding invitation design
and feeling pleased with how it turned out

hearing the bride say she liked how it turned out

laying on my back in the summer grass
taking pictures, especially when
they turn out how i want them to
{i "borrowed" my no. 5 from the original list,
as i feel exactly the same...
and guess what! i'm going to chicago tomorrow
to take pictures with a friend!
i'll look for orange per your requests.}

learning something about my camera
{or just about photography in general }
that i didn't know before
{just happened yesterday! yay!}

being told by someone that i am
a "creative photographer by heart"

getting to spend time with friends

listening to any of the following favorite songs
the high road from broken bells
time of the assassins by charlotte gainsbourg
on my way back home by band of horses
{actually, the entire albums that the first and third are on }

{okay... and one bonus "thing that makes me feel like i'm on cloud nine"... you guys! thank you for all your supportive and kind thoughts on my last post and for ALWAYS making me feel like i can be open and honest and... well, myself.}

tag! you’re it!
what 9 things make you feel like you are on cloud 9?


  1. 1. My grandchildren coming to visit or me visiting them
    2. Sunny, warm days with a gentle breeze
    3. Being flooded with His peace that passeth all understanding
    4. Being with Dr. John
    5. Bubble bath with candles and mood music
    6. Me with camera and time to take pics.
    7. Working in my studio
    8. Writing my blog
    9. Meeting, talking and hearing from friends in blogland.

    That's my nine
    Good luck in finding orange

  2. cloud 9 is a great place to be!! sounds like a good wednesday blog post!

  3. Ooo this will require some research for sure. love the image of your knees and the clouds. beautiful. Also! Band of Horses!!! love!

  4. Loved this post! I saw a Rainbow last night, oh how I love them! I didn't have my camera on me, AH! So I used a pic of clouds I had and added the rainbow on photoshop!

  5. coming here would be one of them!

  6. thanks for your lovely shout out! :)
    4-8: YES. yes yes yes.

  7. love the photo and your list is awesome!

  8. i am on cloud nine with you over at my blog ... thanks friend!!

  9. have a great time in the city...
    wish i could be there!!

  10. How wonderful to hear you sounding so happy! Your post makes ME happy!

    p.s. In case you haven't heard yet..Our blog has moved! We would love for you to visit us at our new site: http://www.bonbonrosegirls.com/
    Unfortunately, if you followed us with Google Friend Connect you'll have to re-follow but everything else is the same! Hugs, K

  11. Great post...no matter where the idea came from. I do believe I will create my own Cloud 9 post to keep pulling me back to my blog. So...my nine will be coming soon. Come visit me again!

    Enjoy Chicago - we miss our visits there, as the kids have moved to Texas. Texas?! How far away is that?!

  12. i sure will, sandy! thanks for stopping by. sorry it's been so long for me. i don't do nearly as much blog reading. but i'm not working again, so maybe i'll get back to it again.

  13. You live a creative and inspired life....how could it not put you on cloud 9?
    I can't wait for summer cloud watching days...unfortunately it has been nothing but cloud blankets here these past few weeks. Too much grey and not enough blue. But rain keeps me on cloud nine..strange I know, but it's true!


i love getting comments! please feel free to add your own. i don't always get the chance to respond, but i do always appreciate each one.