


her name is claire.
{many of you know of her.}
her name means light.
i met her last sunday.
in person.
let me tell you.
she is her name.

{see her looking and leaping here. i will write more soon.}


  1. that photo is beyond any words I can offer ...

  2. oh georgia. that photo is divine. truly. wow.

  3. brilliant photo - looking forward to more words too :)

  4. i've enjoyed seeing your photos of your get-together

  5. I love this portrait. Beautiful!

  6. Georgia, this photo is amazing! I seriously caught my breath when I saw it and immediately showed it to my husband who was equally amazed.

    You have got IT.

  7. oh, darrah.
    thank you so much.
    that means a whole lot coming from you!

    all of you... it means a lot.
    thank you!
    it is probably my favorite photo that i have ever taken.

  8. Fabulous! To meet someone, first, and to take such a photo - full of personality and soul. This photo has "voice," as we talk about in writing. VERY well done.

  9. I did not know you knew each other! HOW did I miss this?!?!

    And I didn't know you were back here! I thought I had subscribed! I just love your blog!

  10. thanks, kelly.

    yes... i've known claire since '06 through our blogs. four three and a half years later, and i finally met the beautiful girl!

    and what an honor it was!

    i'm not back to blogging officially, but i couldn't help but post about meeting miss claire. so glad you stopped by!

  11. Wow. This is the most beautiful photo I have ever seen. So happy you got to meet Claire! <3

  12. thanks, lisa... yes, i too was happy to meet her!

  13. Hi there I've heard all about your wonderful days from Beth...wished I could be there too.

    When can I fly over so you're able to capture me as you did Claire.
    Wowzers this one is just amazing but I"ll guess it's allso because she's so amazing you can feel it from the screen.
    Thanks for sharing love.
    Hugs D.

  14. oh, thanks dagmar!

    you can fly here any time, and i would be most happy to take pictures of you!

    or maybe some day i will be out in your part of the world. then we shall take pictures of each other!

    claire was far more delightful than i ever imagined she would be, and i imagined she would be extremely delightful. i feel so blessed to have met her. and yes, she is radiant and brilliant, no?


i love getting comments! please feel free to add your own. i don't always get the chance to respond, but i do always appreciate each one.