
X {as in roman numeral 10, not as in former}

b. playing guitar
contemplative b.

i tried to write a poem today to express some feelings on being married ten years today. but i could not. {i've been out of practice in the writing department for some time...}

so i decided to write with pictures instead. the first three are taken by me... some of the most recent shots i have taken of b. the last was not taken by me, but rather by someone else on our wedding day.

in my opinion, it is a miracle that we are together today. by the grace of God and the hard work of each other, our marriage is still here after ten years, and even with all the difficulties we've faced, we love each other more than ever.

i love this handsome, musical, thoughtful man. and i am certain beyond any doubt that he loves me too. i'm quite blessed and looking forward to many more decades together...

happy anniversary, mr. b.


today is my ten-year wedding anniversary!


  1. Ohhhh congrats you two. What a cuty you've bumped into all these years ago. Hold on to love Georgia it's sooo powerful and wonderful to share in your life.
    Happy times to you.
    Hugs Dagmar

  2. Happy Anniversary to you both! Love the loving photos of b.! Tender and sweet!

  3. You are blessed, Georgia, what a lovely tribute to your marriage! (btw, I have a giveaway going on.... drawing is on Tuesday!)

  4. oh sweet love....what a rock star he is !!!!
    happy anniversary you love birds !!

  5. Happy Anniversary! Ten years is a definite milestone. All the best.

  6. Blessings to you two beautiful people. Commitment is a wonderful thing.

  7. Congratulations and happy anniversary!

  8. blessings for many more ... you are a beautiful couple

  9. happy anniversary! great photos, i LOVE the first one.

  10. Happy Anniversary, Georgia! Congratulations on ten years and beautifully written. xo – g

  11. Awww, I'm late again, but happy anniversary! Love these shots you took of him, and I love your wedding photo! So awesome. Ten years is definitely a milestone. All relationships take hard work: I think the beauty is in both parties being willing to do that work! Congrats! <3

  12. thanks, lisa.
    yes... both parties makes for one big party!
    : )

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Congrats, Georgia! Your hubby is such a cutie! Here's to ten more wonderful and happy years, and then ten more, and ten more, and ten more, and ten more after that!

  15. Two of some of the most thoughtful, gracious people I have ever known. I love you both.

    (This post made me cry even more this morning btw.) :)

  16. Happy Birthday a day late. Just read your blog. A good marriage takes commitment and love + work.
    x Jenny

  17. j-bug...
    : )
    love you.

    thank you, jenny.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. A very happy anniversary wish to gorgeous you and your good lookin' fella! May the next ten years be filled with blessings and happiness, and the ten after that, and the ten after that, and the ten after that!
    Great shots by the way!

  20. although late i want to wish you a Happy Anniversary. here's to many many more wonderful years together.

  21. I had this up in my browser, thought I'd commented, just saw it again today, and realized I hadn't... doh!

    I hope you two had a delightfully wonderful anniversary!!! I know you guys have been through gobs n gobs, but by God's grace you've stuck by each other's sides. I'm so happy for you G, and I hope & pray constantly that we'll soon be able to meet each other's kids.

    Love you friend!! Happy belated anniversary! :)

  22. Happy Belated Anniversary!
    I am so glad you are so happy. :)

  23. What wonderful photos and a lovely tribute to your husband! I'm glad I found your blog and have enjoyed my visit. Your photography is interesting and creative. I will 'follow' and visit you again. And I invite you to visit me. (I like your sidebar headers about visiting to see what others see, as my blog is called 'What Karen Sees')

  24. thanks karen!
    for some reason, i just now got this comment. love your blog name... can't wait to visit and check out what you see!


i love getting comments! please feel free to add your own. i don't always get the chance to respond, but i do always appreciate each one.