
to you and yours

my favorite vintage-esque christmas ornaments

just a short greeting with a photo of the kind of ornaments i love... glass, vintage {or vintage-esque}... each with lots of individual charm. all in the colors of my home... greens, golds, oranges and whites and metallics.

this year, i did not put any ornaments on the tree. but i still wanted to see a few of these beauties, so i made a little christmas wreath out of the top layer that could easily be retrieved from my ornament bin. the wreath sits on my coffee table as a display. this decorative green plate you see in the middle usually holds my orange, ginger-peach-scented candle. but right now, it will hold my crystal lotus flower votive candle holder so it can sit in the midst of the ornaments and sparkle all over their pretty glitter and glass.

who says ornaments have to hang on a tree, right?

merry christmas, everyone! may you have a blessed day.


  1. christmas blessings to you and yours!

  2. Lovely wreath creation and LoViNg your header!!! Again congrats.
    A very Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  3. what a beautiful perfect wreath. i love love love it.

  4. that is a very cool photo. what is that in thy hand?

  5. this would make a beautiful Christmas card and i know there are more in your computer and in your head. what is that in thy hand?

  6. AWESOME!! I can imagine an entire tree with those, and the perfect lighting!!

    Merry Christmas!


  7. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

  8. I am finally finding some time to visit my blogging friends to belatedly wish them a merry and bright Christmas and a wonderfully joyous New Year! Yours will be the most joyous of all!

  9. I love the idea for ornament display. We have had a potted tree the last couple of years, which allows us to put on outdoor lights, but no ornaments. I would love to display some of my favorites, though, so you've given me an idea for next year! Hope your Christmas was joyful and the new year looks bright!


i love getting comments! please feel free to add your own. i don't always get the chance to respond, but i do always appreciate each one.