
summer love

thunderstorms that baby-isaac sleeps through
and make me wish for younger days
when i slept through them, too

evening walks
when the temperature is perfectly perfect

cherries in a bowl

with nothing but

cherries next to a bowl

{or lightening bugs... whichever you prefer to call them}

dollar tables at the local downtown sidewalk sales

thinking about trying one or two of these peach recipes
{oh, who am i kidding??
i won't get to try these recipes until at least winter...
maybe not even until next summer.
i have so little time,
i had to use photos from two summers ago for my post.}

sunday weddings
{my brother's is this weekend}

raspberry lemonade over ice...
for that matter, anything over ice...
especially coffee over ice, these days

wild meadow flowers that line the roads on our way to grandma's
{isaac's grandma... not mine}

giant puffy thunderhead clouds.

oh... and i can't forget the most obvious.
warm weather...
not having to be covered from head to toe
when leaving the house.

what are you loving this summer?


  1. right now I"m lovin' that little droplet of water that's on the cherry....love that detail...

    summer loves....

    strange as it may sound...the heat because I cant take the cold of winter...

    long evenings

    slow walks

    actually 'seeing' more neighbors in the evening instead of the quick wave in the mornings as I'm sipping coffee on the go as I fly down my street....

    swimming swimming and ummm swimming

    and....lazy time to actually travel and not be rushed

  2. The way the afternoons take on a hazy look in the heat.

    Listening to cicadas during the day and katydids at night.

    Shucking corn and shelling peas.

    Sitting on the porch and eating an ice cream bar, hurrying so it doesn't melt all over my hand.

    Sweet tea sweating in a glass.

    Picking wild blackberries in the woods across from my house.

    But most of all, I love the smells of summer: freshly cut grass, meat cooking on the grill, the warm smell of dirt right after a surprise afternoon thunderstorm.


  3. Oh these cherries look very delicious!

    Sounds like you're enjyoing your summer! What I like most about summer here at the moment is, that it isn't really summer weather at all (which is far too hot for me), but rather the april weather we didn't have in april this year (when it was summer weather). But hot weather or not, it's the summer holiday season which means that the trains are half empty and on time, which makes commuting so much more bearable :)


i love getting comments! please feel free to add your own. i don't always get the chance to respond, but i do always appreciate each one.