
why my camera is worth its wait in gold

if it can give me pictures like this,
it's worth more than it's weight in gold.

ang and isaac_45

if it can capture memories like that of peaceful mornings with isaac,
over coffee with my sister and a friend,
then it doesn't matter that it's not the best camera money can buy
or that i don't yet know how to use it to its full potential.

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ron and isaac_12

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if it can capture my sister holding isaac at the lake
on one of the most beautiful days of the year...
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this is what matters.
just the pictures.

{entire album here}


  1. Gorgeous pictures!! So tender and loving!!

  2. He's getting so big! Lovely pics. Lovely memories.

  3. Issac is so sweet.
    i see such a resemblance of you in him (the expression of him with Ron (image 43) and the expression of you in photo 12)
    priceless memories captured

  4. I love these photos, and the memories you are making. What a beautiful little boy, and your sister is lovely too. I wonder who the gentelman is? It looks like you're treasuring every moment - and you're right. Doesn't matter what camera you have. It's all in the capure itself. Thank you for sharing your world.

  5. how i enjoyed looking at these! i will be looking at them again and again!

  6. Wow! He is awesome. It's never the camera, it's the eye.

  7. these are fantastic.....baby book photos for sure !!!

  8. thanks, y'all!

    lesley, this is actually my twin sister in the photos. but your comment still makes sense, as we are identical. =)


i love getting comments! please feel free to add your own. i don't always get the chance to respond, but i do always appreciate each one.