
texture tuesday


when is the last time you just stared out a window...
actually, not simply stared,
but gazed... with delight... like it was the first time
you ever saw what there was to see
out your window.

i'd say, if you even have a window to begin with... any window...
you are a lucky soul.

i used to work in a building where there were no windows.
i was there more than ten years.
i don't know how i did that for so long.
we take for granted things like having a window to look out of.
but a baby who has just learned to pull himself up by a sill
sees it rather differently.
it's an awesome and exciting treat.
{you can't see it here, because he has already paused
to ponder all that his eyes were taking in when this was taken.
but when he first got vertical,
after having conquered the journey of crawling over to the window,
he squealed in delight at his new perched view.}
we live on the second floor of an older home... at tree-top level.
imagine what it is like for a seven-month-old
to see a view like this for the very first time on his own.
sure, i had shown him outside and the snow through the window before.
but each time was when he was less aware,
and they were all before he could get to a window on his own.

yes... it's all new for him.
and to you and i, looking out the window might not be anything new.
but is that because we just aren't looking for something new?
is it because we don't have the simple joy and appreciation
of a child?

if it is, should we try to get that back?
i think so.

{this is my third time participating in kim klassen's texture tuesday. for this week's texture link-up, we simply had to use kim's lovely "simplicity" texture, which i used on sophie, too. {here, screen mode, 100% opacity}. you can see the rest of the many link-up participants by visiting her texture tuesday page.
i'm not sure if i will keep doing these each week. i'd like to, but i already committed to several other weekly or monthly projects that i can do as time permits. this is a great one to be a part of... so many beautiful uses of textures with photography out there! have you been a texture tuesday regular? do you love it as much as i have enjoyed being a part of it the past few weeks?}


  1. Exactly! Thank you for this lovely image an post!

  2. beautiful story about the windows, we shouldn't take for granted. I had my favorite window back home, before I moved and it was on a second story too (in the midwest as well) something about being able to look down like a little bird or something.

    love the boy! he's a cutie!

    thank you for following me. I am now following your lovely blog and stories too! have a beautiful week !

  3. Beautiful image and love your use of texture. I can feel how magical it is for him! I know what you mean about having so many projects on - I tend to dip in and out as time permits. I do love texture tuesday as it encourages me to play around with texture and get ispirations from other's work which I probably wouldn't get around to otherwise.

  4. Wonderful light and use of texture.

  5. Such a beautiful picture! Love the light from the window!

  6. beautiful post, makes me think about... love your photo!

  7. Oh this is really very beautiful . . .the light you have captured is lovely . .and the texture work really enhances it . . . .Lovely to meet a fellow Christian . . .x

  8. As I gaze our my window, the canal is sparkling and casting reflections on my wall. The palm tree is swaying and I can in all honesty say I thank God each day for this incredible view.
    I understand the child's fascination.
    A great post

    Helen xx

  9. Wonderful photo and thoughts. It's nice to be reminded of the pure delight of a young child!

  10. Oh my, I really love your sentiments re: simplicity being taught by the youngest. So true.


  11. Yes, that's one thing in this last year that I can say without a doubt, that I don't just look out the window, I see! My camera has taught me how to better do that, to have a different perspective. Because one of the things I have really learned is that if I stand where I have always stood nothing will ever look different!

    I really adore this capture of your son looking out the window and your edit is just beautiful!!

  12. this is like the sweetest photo of isaac ever....xoxo

  13. My favorite photos of my two now-grown sons are similar in nature to yours....beautiful light from the window. You, however, have included the delight your son shows in seeing something new. Beautiful! I'm now following you!

  14. thanks, all! it's fun getting to know a whole new group of bloggers through these projects i'm newly involved in... and always appreciating my old friends, too. thanks for all the nice comments!

  15. What a wonderful shot. I just love the idea your wrote about. I got to see my grandson this weekend. YEA! And he spent one of the nights with us in our hotel.. He is not walking yet either. But he seemed to pull him self up and look at himself in the long mirror on the door.. It was so fun to watch. He would just squeal with delight at his own reflection.

    It so great that you are cherishing these moments they go by so quickly...

    Hugs, Linda

  16. Your post is brilliant. I love your photograph and the texture, but your words are so wonderful, I almost forgot to see the texture for texture tuesday. I love the way you think, it's such a lovely reminder to embrace the simple things that surround us.

  17. I love this image, it really captures a mood. I often sit and gaze out of our sun room window and marvel at the wildlife and the trees that surround our home. I could never work in a windowless office, I don't know how you stuck if for so long.

  18. Just the sweetest pic!! Oh to see things through the eyes of a child...it's just magical:) I love my windows; think I'll go daydream a while!

  19. This is such a beautiful photo! Wonderful texture, also! I think it's wonderful that you're stopping to capture these precious moments!

  20. Oh Georgia! This is just so fantastic!!

    Love your words.

    Love the photo. LOVE the photo.

  21. this was a lovely post, I just loved it. funny I find you extremely poetic and eloquent with your story and words. Happy evening dear.

  22. from my window i see wildlife and trees, birds flitting and eating and roos nibbling on the sweet new grass.
    this is a beautiful use of the simplicity texture

  23. I love this image! The light is so beautiful and the texture fits perfect!
    Thanks you for sharing such a wonderful thought provoking post too! I love to see how children respond to things - it is priceless!

  24. Love your image, beautiful! Thanks for sharing
    Blessings Suzanne

  25. Beautiful post. Loved reading your words. And your picture is lovely. Wonderful light and texture.

  26. Wonderful image and even better prose. It makes me stop and think.....am I ever looking for something new in the everyday images I see? Very yogic, and I need to practice looking for the "new" in things.

  27. LOVE this photo. So sweet. This post got me thinking about looking out. I think we all need to get that simple joy and appreciation back. :)

  28. awww...wonderful use of texture. It's the simple things that matter most.

  29. Totally awesome photo! Texture Tuesday is addictive, isn't it!

  30. Just the sweetest shot! Lovely post and edit too! :)

  31. This image put a big smile on my face...beautiful capture...perfect lighting. Congrats on being featured over at the Kim Klassen Cafe! :-)

  32. hello lovely,
    this is so precious... I featured it today at the Cafe... :)

    xo, Kim

  33. Georgia, forgive me if this is a duplicate. Thank you for sharing this lovely image with TT. I just had to feature it at the Cafe, today...


  34. Gorgeous capture, Georgia! Seen at the KK cafe.


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