
wordless wednesday

...or mostly wordless, anyway.
kayaking on the bay {three}

{i'm still working on the new florida photos. in the mean time, i decided to take a look back through the looking-back glass at some old florida photos that i never got around to posting back then. on our trip a few years ago {{and every trip previous to it}}, we never made a point to go kayaking on the bay. so i took pictures of a kayaker instead. on this last trip, we finally went out for a long row. but no cameras came with. i'd like to think this is how i looked while we were out there {{all aglow in the morning sun}}, but we were out in the middle of the day, so i know it's not. that's okay. it's sort of nice to be on this side of things... just observing how serene it is.}

kayaking on the bay {two}

link up by clicking this...

kayaking on the bay {one}

"i've always liked the time before dawn because there's no one around to remind me who i'm supposed to be, so it's easier to remember who i am." ~story people


  1. Such beautiful images!!
    The glistening water...ahhhhh!
    So wonderful

  2. Love the light in these shot, beautiful shimmer on the water & silhouette of the kayaker.

  3. Sigh. Such a feeling of solitude you've captured. The lighting is magnificent too.

  4. Love your photos! I'm yearning for the warmth and serenity of Florida too!

    And that quote at the end of your post is amazing. Never crossed paths with it before, but so hauntingly beautiful!



  5. These are gorgeous pics! I'd like to take my little one kayaking! I think this year in Cape Cod!

  6. wonderful pics! really love them :)

  7. That is so pretty. I love the break-up of the circle to the background. Wonderful lighting!

    That's cool that you have an Isaac as well! I like all the spellings of that name. It can even be spelled Iszac with the nickname Zac. We got the spelling of our Isaak from the singer Chris Isaak. I thought it looked good with his middle name Jaxon.

  8. Very beautiful photos! Wow, just looking at them makes me feel relaxed...even with the kids being loud and crazy beside me LOL. Thanks for stopping by my blog and following, I'm now a follower of yours too! Love your blog :)


  9. Absolutely stunning photo! I adore your blog. So glad we linked up. Have a fabulous day, love!


  10. thanks, new friends! this is why i love link-ups! you get to meet so many new great peeps out there! i appreciate you all... and your support!

  11. Hi Georgia!! Love the circular photos :)) Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today.

    I know you were looking for GFC follow widget on my blog, but it magically disappeared the other day.

    I heard for months that google was doing away with it, why I don't know, but slowly I think everyone's will go away.

    I have signed up with LinkyFollowers.com as a lot of other bloggers have done as well. I guess that will have to kind of replace GFC eventually.

    Now how do I follow your blog? It's so clean and uncluttered! Love it :)


  12. thank you, paula! mine is on the bottom of my blog. you have a blogger blog, so yours should not have gone away... weird. i hope mine doesn't. = (

    thanks for your nice comment! i recently decluttered my blog, so i am glad you noticed and like it!

  13. What a cool way to display your photos. I have to say I haven't seen this "done" yet -- you are the first! First is good. :)

    Thanks so much for your thoughtful comment and following. I'm following you now too. :)

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I love your photos. Just love them. I think they are striking in sepia.

    Following you as well :)

  16. Outstanding! Love the gorgeous silhouette and the light on the water.

  17. thank you so much, ladies!

    megan... these shots are actually in full color... but the time of day was casting such a warm glow on the water and sky, that they do appear a bit like sepias, don't they? i'm glad you pointed that out! i like that!

  18. Wow, beautiful impressions!
    Thank you so much for visiting and for your nice comment!
    I´m a new follower, too. :)

    Have a wonderful week!


  19. Thanks for being a new follower and saying hello! I'm so glad you found me, I love your blog, i's right up my alley, you take beautiful photos! Looking forward to seeing more :) xo K

  20. thank you, verena and kirsty! thank you for visiting!

  21. Cropping with a circle really adds a new dimension to your photo - well done!

  22. Amazing pictures!

    I love how the water just seems to go forever and ever and ever and ever and... you get the idea! :)

  23. beautiful pictures! I love your photography!

  24. Ok Georgia I've got my GFC back on my blog, and I'm now following you on yours :))

  25. wordless wednesday ? but i see words....lots of them :)

    ps...is there anyway you can make your font larger? i usually read at night, lately and i honestly can barely see your words by this time of night, so i skip most of them. sorry, but honesty prevails :(

  26. Beautiful photos..the lighting is amazing

  27. Gorgeous shots! And I'm sure you looked exactly like this. ;)

  28. Beautiful calming images. And such a great quote to end with.

  29. Love these! It looks like such a breathtaking day!

  30. welcome to tina´s picstory! i follow you too :)

  31. Absolutely gorgeous- I can almost hear the peace.

  32. These are amazing! So peaceful and serene. Thanks for stopping by!


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