
a new blank page filled... summer edition


i did not really go into why i love the site, the simple woman's daybook... or why i participated in this online community of women that first time i did so. i simply posted my daybook and linked up to the site. it seems a quiet site... a quiet admonition to join. so it seemed that my first post should be quiet in the same way.

but this time, i must speak up and say how very much i love what this site is about. i am so glad i saw another blogger's daybook post so that it might lead me to it. i very much enjoy this exercise in recognizing, pondering and appreciating the simple parts of a day as a woman and a mom... even the simple thoughts that cross my mind {though i often let those thoughts evolve into something far too complicated... a counselor i once had called it "ruminating"}.

i plan to do this more often... each time there is a new opening for it... and maybe even multiple times within each opening. if you are a woman {especially if you are a mom, and especially if you are a mom at home where life can feel very monotonous and unglamorous, i urge you to check the site out and take part... that it might open your eyes to the simple things in your life... and as the community's creator suggests, that you might linger on those things.

anyway, here is my daybook contribution to the summer daybook edition page... sort of a weekend reflection, rather than just a day.

outside my window...

i am thinking...
of how glad i am that the heat wave is over.

i am thankful...
for an unscathed son after encountering two close calls with harm's way in one day.

in the kitchen...
popsicle sticks, all that remains of a cool treat on a hot summer night.

i am wearing...
a black and white striped soft cotton v-neck tank-tee from express and a flimsy brown bubble skirt from target.

i am creating...
a sign for our hallway... a sort of inspirational "to-do for each day" sign for our family in the central-most part of our home. on paper and in my mind, it's very special. i hope it turns out that way in actuality.

i am going...
to church in the morning, after not having gone in a while for various reason... looking forward to it... to getting centered around God again... to recentering all that is going on in my life around what i believe to be true of Him.

i am wondering...
how my dear friend who just tragically lost her love is doing.

i am reading...
nothing at the moment.

i am hoping...
to leave behind all subtly or blatantly negative, judgmental and non-constructive messages sent my way about how i raise my son or live my life and the choices i've made... that it will not take away my focus on being a mom to my son or a friend to the friends i have, who have clearly and steadfastly been so.

i am looking forward to...
the days where isaac just sits... whether to color or draw or to play an instrument or read a book.

i am learning around the house...
that it's okay to lock up some things that i had not intended to in order to keep isaac from getting at them, even if they are not dangerous things... that it's okay for my sanity's sake and for the sake of a cleaner and more-organized home.

i am pondering...
something sad that often comes up... why friends walk away with such a proud "you are beneath me" air or why they betray. why, in many, the ugliness of jealousy or revengeful repayment is so prevalent and so much stronger than their commitment to others.

a favorite quote for today...
i put it out on my blog wednesday, but it was sticking with me long before then and will probably stick with me for a while longer. it is this...
"people who live the most fulfilling lives are the ones who are always rejoicing at what they have."
{richard carlson}

one of my favorite things...
friends. the kind that are the truest of friends in every way... the antithesis to the ones who hurt someone by showing that they think they are so above another that they could walk away in the worst fashion. they are the balm to all that is painfully disappointing in what friendship or love means to so many today.

a few plans for the rest of the week...
i have many. they involve catching up, starting new things, getting ahead, leaving behind, reuniting with one of my longest-known friends and getting back into running again.

and finally,
a peek into my day...
he's as simple and wonderful and reliable as it gets.


  1. WOW! Bless your heart this day!! Must be the most precious description I have ever read by a daybooker! Thank you SO very much. I do appreciate it and will share your link to others. Perhaps if you wish you could visit the simple woman's blog this week. I am coming back after a long time away.

  2. i saw that, as i was on your blog yesterday. i look forward to re-visiting. thank you for your comment and your site.

  3. You know Georgia...I stopped by again to read through this time deeper into your daybook. I know your pain, hurtful friendships are one of the hardest things to get past. They can leave you not wanting anything to do with future relationships, but do not let it harden your heart. Time does heal the wounds...{hugs}

  4. Love your quote! Have a wonderful week.

  5. thank you, peggy {is it?}. i appreciate your encouragement. i do know what you are saying is true, though it sometimes does not feel like it. but i know that the pain will heal and those voids will be filled with something good, because that is what i want for my life. but i know what you mean about it making you guarded toward any future new friendships. thank you for your comment.

  6. A beautiful, heartfelt post.

  7. thank you, gail. i wrote it very much from my heart, so i appreciate that comment.


i love getting comments! please feel free to add your own. i don't always get the chance to respond, but i do always appreciate each one.