
THIS is...

isaac 7_8_12-16

i've been wanting to post these treasured photos for over a week. just one day before they were taken, i thought to myself, "i really want to start instilling traditions into this family... big or small, i want to make a point of it so that the things i make a point of will eventually just become second nature... as usual as anything else in our lives, because they are done with consistency... but unusual {or, rather, unique} in the sense that they are ours... just this family's special practices.

to my delight, mr. b walked up to me the next morning {holding our bundle of energy} and said, "how 'bout we go to the nature preserve after church and walk around... and then walk over to the ice cream shop afterward?"

anything but arm-twisted, i jumped up and readily agreed, telling him how happy i was to hear him take that initiative for an idea of how to spend our day, as i had just been thinking about ways we could start some traditions.

this, to me, sounded like a good one to keep going... maybe once a week on the weekend? or perhaps once a month? whatever schedules would allow for as long as they would allow it... i'll take what i can get.

so, we went. it was our first weekend nature walk and ice cream outing in what i hope is many more to come.

isaac was utterly fascinated by the rocks and the fine-gravel path. there was scarcely a moment where he did not have a rock in his hand, which made for an interesting time... we could not afford to take our eyes off his every move, as he is still in that "let's see what this tastes like" stage. but it was fun to watch him get into the dirt and be a true boy.

i'll try to let the photos tell the simple story of our day. but i'll just say this... it was every bit as quiet and serene as these photos might indicate. it was hot, but we had the shade of a beautiful maple at the top of the hill overlooking a pond. the breeze was flowing at just the right speed to give us comfort. and very few passers-by came along to steal our attention away from each other. i'd be foolish not to make this a tradition. simplicity. no big fanfare. no hoopla. just quietness. just us. just fun.

and if i get my wish, this is what sundays will be made of.

isaac 7_8_12-23 isaac 7_8_12-43 isaac 7_8_12-42 isaac 7_8_12-11 isaac 7_8_12-37 isaac 7_8_12-20 isaac 7_8_12-34 isaac 7_8_12-13 isaac 7_8_12-24 isaac 7_8_12-25 isaac 7_8_12-collage3 isaac 7_8_12-27 isaac 7_8_12-21 isaac 7_8_12-2 isaac 7_8_12-22 isaac 7_8_12-15 isaac 7_8_12-1 isaac 7_8_12-58 isaac 7_8_12-71 isaac 7_8_12-dip_2 isaac 7_8_12-80 "up, dada. up." isaac 7_8_12-69 isaac 7_8_12-collage2 isaac 7_8_12-96 isaac 7_8_12-dip_1 isaac 7_8_12-98 isaac 7_8_12-101 isaac 7_8_12-107 isaac 7_8_12-119 isaac 7_8_12-120 isaac 7_8_12-dip_3

if you can believe it, i took so many more photos than these. they are all here.

but one more thing here before you go... i had to add these few moving pictures just so you don't think it was all quiet and no fun!...


  1. how beautiful, these shots are lovely, such gorgeous light & it looks like such a fabulous family tradition. very special memories.

  2. Wow he's getting so big. Family traditions are great and I can't think of anything better after Church than a walk in nature, (Mr B. is some photographer!)

  3. What great photos! We used to take our children down to a local nature preserve quite often when they were young. It was a great way to spend fun time together as a family. Hope you make it into a family tradition :)

  4. These are beautiful ~ as always! Lovely :)

  5. thanks, all!

    steve, i agree... he's getting better and better. he used to hate taking pictures before isaac came along. but since isaac, he is warming up to it. i'm so glad, because i want some photos of me with isaac through the years... at least a few {compared to the thousands i take of him and isaac}. =)

  6. omg! he is captain adorable!
    total boy, of course! love the butt shot!

    this summer, our traditions kind of faded... we have been so busy and just like to sleep in on the wkends if we could. but we're always aiming to have a good time. :)

  7. What a great idea! I'm all about traditions too! These pics came out great! Love his onsie and those adorable shoes! Those GIFs are awesome, especially that last one!

  8. LOVE these pictures! Just gorgeous. The last one is my fav :)

  9. your photos spoke perfectly and beautifully !!
    what fun....and oh little boys, how i adore them and what they love at any given moment....xo

  10. thank you, jean, elena and amanda!

    jean... so glad you are enjoying summer and sleeping in!! take it while you can get it! =)

    elena... the shoes were a birthday present... and it was his first time wearing them. sort of fun to see him in shoes, 'cause we rarely do. =)

    thanks, amanda. i really like the last one, too... that's why i ended with it. =)

  11. ooops... hadn't seen your comment yet, beth. just now saw it. thank you!

    that's one thing i like about isaac, too {and all little ones}. he is always enthralled by his surroundings... by the simplest things. it's so endearing.

  12. His outfit says it all -- "adorable." Glad you made some great memories.

  13. Hello stranger, i have not visited in a while and for that I am sorry! Isaac is getting so big! Definitely captain adorable!!! Love all of your shots, just beautiful. And i LOVE your new tradition. I love traditions and am truing so hard to instill some for our little family too :)

  14. thanks, laura!

    thank you, naomi!! nice to see you here today. it's been a while since i visited, too. i'm sorry for that as well. my busy life leaves little to no room for blog hopping anymore. i don't like that. but i think isaac wouldn't like it if i blog hopped in place of taking care of him... so, alas, i take care of him. *sigh*

  15. What an absolutely blissful day your Sunday turned out to be!! Family traditions are so fun...and important. Amazing, beautiful photos!! Truly works of {he}art:)

  16. thank you, leah. so kind of you to say.


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