i woke up this morning thinking, "my!... how will i get through the winter with these extreme temps and snow after snow after snow." my husband's brother and his wife just left for cancun today, and i was really wishing i was along for the trip! the midwest is getting pummeled with snow recently -- although today is bright and sunny.
i'm sort of a wimp in winter. i hate being cold. i just hate it! and i'm the sort of person who is cold in the summer, so you can imagine how cold i get during chicago winters. plus, i have a poor-handling car when the roads are even the slightest bit slushy. {thursday morning on the way to work, i did a complete 180 degree spin on a four-lane highway. miraculously i did not hit anyone or anything.}
anyway, i thought about the cold for a few minutes and then i realized that with the cold comes the beautiful snow and the way-cool icicles. so i thought i'd take pictures instead of complain. not only do harsh winters here mean pretty things to photograph... it also means we have all the seasons to enjoy. that's something i forget to be thankful for, as not everyone in the world gets to experience all four seasons the way we can.
the mere fact that it is cold and wintery here means that i have three other golden opportunities to take photographs of three additional beautiful times of year. that stopped my little ol' mind from whining about the january deep freeze we are in.
so i gathered up a favorite photo from each of the other seasons to go with this post. i took the icicle shot this morning.
what about you? what sort of weather are you weathering right now? whatever it is, i hope you are warm and comfortable and happy.
i'm sort of a wimp in winter. i hate being cold. i just hate it! and i'm the sort of person who is cold in the summer, so you can imagine how cold i get during chicago winters. plus, i have a poor-handling car when the roads are even the slightest bit slushy. {thursday morning on the way to work, i did a complete 180 degree spin on a four-lane highway. miraculously i did not hit anyone or anything.}
anyway, i thought about the cold for a few minutes and then i realized that with the cold comes the beautiful snow and the way-cool icicles. so i thought i'd take pictures instead of complain. not only do harsh winters here mean pretty things to photograph... it also means we have all the seasons to enjoy. that's something i forget to be thankful for, as not everyone in the world gets to experience all four seasons the way we can.
the mere fact that it is cold and wintery here means that i have three other golden opportunities to take photographs of three additional beautiful times of year. that stopped my little ol' mind from whining about the january deep freeze we are in.
so i gathered up a favorite photo from each of the other seasons to go with this post. i took the icicle shot this morning.
what about you? what sort of weather are you weathering right now? whatever it is, i hope you are warm and comfortable and happy.
LOVE these photos+type! I have to admit that as I get older I appreciate all the seasons more, but I prefer the transitional seasons. :)
We were up to -10F this morning ... hopefully get above zero soon. The blue skies of January can be so beautiful though. The stars were breathtaking last night.
love your photos, georgia. i thought what great blue behind those icicles. then that green with those tulips and then wow! look at those comforting leaves on the ground. good for any season.
OoOOO I love your season photos!!! The autumn one is excellent!! We are cold... snow dusted the ground yesterday, I was hopeful for more. But mostly we are just cold with wind. I don't like cold if there isn't snow.
These are beautiful images and beautiful words, but I must be honest & say I am a wuss and no matter how hard I try, I am not a cold weather gal. And I'm in Texas, and not the Panhandle. I try, really I do, and some days are better than others, but I don't think I will ever get there.
I will enjoy it through you and your pictures instead and complain less, but I think that's as good as I will get. I got up this morning to a record 14 degrees & thought nuh-uh! Luckily, back to the 50s early next week.
:) Debi
it's brrrrr cold here, too....but the sun was beautiful and I spent the day with my sisters, so it wasn't bad at all.....
positive thinking....that's what I'm dong all the time between now and the end of march.....
Well, Miss Georgia, I'm happy to say that it was in the low 50s here today with little tiny bits of blue peeking through clouds. I was ever so happy that it wasn't quite as cold as it has been. But I have to say that Cancun sounds warmly delicious. Although being with Beth would be fun, I'm a wimp about cold and snow, too.
all beautiful shots - bundle up and stay warm - it's cold here, much colder than normal. I'm doing the best i can to stay warm.
hi georgia,
glad you are ok... how scary for you. i love your seasonal images ... the autumn is my favourite i think, though they are all lovely.
we are still in the think of the 'cold snap' here is the south of england... the girls are set to be off school a little longer ... happily we have heat and power unlike some folk not so very far away...
i love walking in deep snow, get nervous in ice and really feel the cold (like you in summer too)...
i took a few icicle shots yesterday but couldn't stay out for long as my fingers were freezing!
hope you are keeping warm and safe
ginny x
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Beautiful icicles Georgia!! I am freezing too. We don't have the deep deep snow but we have the freezing air temperatures for sure. It is 3PM and the temp is 28 degrees! Yikes!! Glad we don't have the snow though..I hate driving in it. And I have a good handling car. You need to get the biggest, baddest snow tires you can find!!! LOL!!
thank you, susan. how very thoughtful of you. i will go check it out now.
It is about 20 degrees here in south Texas, and that is unusually cold, so I am freezing!!! I much prefer heat over cold, but like you, I am aware that the cold offers great opportunities for photos, coffee, snuggling, and new warm pj's :)
so happy to be reading your blogs once again. i enjoyed this post. I too love that we have 4 separate seasons to enjoy. and me, i wish for more winter snows but I don't think i would enjoy it day after day after day. i would worry about the driving - to do a 180 would have scared me to death. We've been having unusually cold temps even down here but its not so bad because i have a warm cozy home and great fires every night - i sit as close as i can ; )
love love your season photos!!
oh and i'll send you the name of the etsy artist for the camera strap.
Oh how I LOVE these four photos!!
Aren't you glad we have more than one season? I would get so bored if I lived in the tropics, where things never change.
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