
you had me at...



so... i was going to wait to post these two shots until i was ready to post all of the other "girl with the red umbrella" series photos. but then i saw today's shutter sisters post/prompt/contest, and i had to get these on flickr pronto so that i could enter the contest.

i know that technically these are not the best shots in the world. in fact, on both of these, i had to crop way down on a much larger photo. the shots were not taken cropped in on her to begin with... otherwise, they would be more crisp. but that almost makes me like them more, because the less-than-crisp look to them sort of lends itself to the mood that i sense when i see both of these...

...that mood being an old-hollywood, vintage, black and white photo. to me, they both seem like something you would see in an old 1950s or 1960s life magazine... maybe a paparazzi shot of a movie star kicking back on her boat or something. i don't know. that's just the vibe i get.

and i LOVE them both. i mean, i LOVE this girl. and i think she is so incredibly beautiful. so these have to be among my favorite pictures ever. what i love about them most is that i captured her true joy. that is NOT a manufactured smile... it comes from within!

the shutter sisters contest only allows you to enter one photo. so i ended up entering the second one. what do you think? did i make the right choice?


  1. I think #2 was a great choice - you can see her smiling eyes!

  2. seeing her gorgeous face brought a smile to my face! and quite right, that's a true smile from within that girlie, she sure is terrific!

    it's amazing to me to realize even more so now what treasures we've had work here before, and how much i hate that i didn't soak it in even more while they (ahem, you and her for example) worked here. i cherish you both in new ways as i get to see you out and about in life, around blogworld and Facebookland, and i am thankful to have known you both!!!

  3. what a sweet friendship you two seem to have.
    very cute photos.

  4. Yes! Definitely the right choice. Love the photos!

  5. Yes, I agree—#2 is awesome!

  6. the joy just bubbles out ... and shares


i love getting comments! please feel free to add your own. i don't always get the chance to respond, but i do always appreciate each one.