
four years, two friends, one legacy

dad with al and bill

{hi, bloggy friends. i had originally written this to put on facebook for those of my facebook friends who knew my father and for those who went to his memorial service. but i thought i would post here, too... since i did take the photo that is in the "video", and this is my photography blog after all. i hope you enjoy. it is a bit long, but worth it, i think.}

today marks exactly four years since my father died. he was a carpenter his whole life. but he is remembered for so much more. i miss him more today than ever. i thought the loss of him would get easier with time, but i find it gets more difficult. less frequent are the tears over missing him, but more intense are the thoughts and longings when those tears resurface.

and it is days {or times} like these that are the most difficult... his birthday. father's day. holidays. and probably, more than anything, august 31st.

but i rejoice today, too. i have rejoiced the many days leading up to today. the biggest reason for my rejoicing is because i know i will see my father again some day. the second biggest reason is because my father was a dear man to me and to so many, and i am blessed to have such a father. third, he loved me so much, and i will never question that a single day of my life. fourth, the thing i remember most about him and cherish the most about him was that he had a heart for people, and loved people the way God loves people. he had a heart for their souls. the most important thing in this world to him was telling others about Jesus and showing them the gift of salvation that he so gratefully received himself. nothing was more important to him. this is the legacy he left me.

and lastly, i rejoice today, because as i reflect back on his life and his memorial service, i know that the things that were said about him in his death were also said about him while he was alive and still with us. people loved my dad... still do. i loved my dad... still do. he was not a perfect man. he is now. he was not the most learned man. he is now. he was not a rich or even prestigious man... not by the world's standards, anyway.

but what he was is this... very humorous and full of joy. and he loved people. two of the best friends he ever had attest to that in this "video" from his memorial service... i guess it's not really a video, but more of an audio clip with a photo of my dad sitting with the two men you will hear speaking at the service. bill speaks first and is on the right in this photo. al speaks second and is on the left in the photo. others spoke that day, and every time i hear all the audio clips from that day, i weep. i'm so grateful to have these recordings. but for time's sake, i limited this clip to just the words spoken by his two closest buddies.

many of you were at the service that day... and i'll tag you on this note if you were... i specifically wanted you to hear this and remember, and i wanted to say thank you for being there at such a memorable and special day. {if you know of someone who was there that i forgot to tag or am not facebook friends with, go ahead and tag them.}

so many came to his memorial that day. it was a true celebration of my dad and of God, and i will never forget the support shown and the joy shared.

even if you were not there that day, i hope you still enjoy it. whether you knew my dad or not, be prepared to cry... especially if you love Jesus as much as my father did.

today, i hope i will take after my father in two ways... carry on his sense of humor and joy and love for life... carry on his heart for telling people about Jesus.

{photo in video taken just a couple years before he died at my mom and dad's 40th anniversary party.}


  1. So lovely, Ms. Georgia. What a blessing you both had, loving each other so much.

  2. i know he is happy and proud of you, watching from another place. wonderful.


  3. i know he's very proud of who you are and what you're doing with your life.....i just know he is.

  4. Oh Georgia, what a lovely tribute to your Dad. My Mom has been gone 16 yrs now, and I still think of her everyday. As years pass, sadness will pass and happy memories will remain.

  5. everytime you write about your father, i am always overwhelmed by the love that you have for him. yes, he must be very proud of you, and very lucky to have a daughter such as yourself.

  6. The love between you and your father is a beautiful thing that is certainly eternal...My heart is with you...

  7. Georgia, thanks for sharing such a touching tribute.
    I have heard the "like it was yesterday" joke too!
    The funny that he gave us we carry with us and repeat often. One day as Frank and he talked about the stress in our lives of caring for a chronically ill child as well as being a pastor's home, Frank said, "I wonder who needs to be institutionalized more, my son or my wife (speaking of my stress level)." Ken's answer was quick and without a hint of joking, "See which one is cheaper!!"
    You know that you have been giving much with his legacy and you will be required of much. Love following you and some of your family on facebook.
    Jean Amico

  8. jean, that gave me a good chuckle. thanks for that.

    glad you stopped by and read, and glad you enjoyed. thank you for sharing that.

  9. Georgia,
    Taking you up on #2 of "three more things." I so enjoyed reading and listening to your tribute to your dad. We can all only strive to be remembered in a similar manner for a life well lived and for the lives we loved. Thank you for posting this.
    Glenn (One Thing at Ravinia)

  10. thanks, glenn!
    so glad you stopped by and commented.

  11. thanks, glenn!
    so glad you stopped by and commented.

  12. you were missed while you were away.

    thinking of you in love dring these times of remembrance.

    it was 5 years this year for me and although the pain has lessened, the memories and longing seem to carve a deeper and deeper ravine.

  13. Hi there!
    It's been awhile since I visited in blogland (I no longer have my blog) and I was thinking of you today and came to listen to this beautiful tribute to your dad.
    You are blessed and you have blessed me today.

    "One day, everything sad will become untrue."
    (from Lord of the Rings)


  14. Thank you for sharing your wonderful father with us. He's so proud of you Georgia. God bless you.

  15. thanks, all.

    jane, i really like that quote!
    one of my favorite movies!


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