
i finally did something i've wanted to do for a few years now...

i designed a photography calendar
using photos that i took!

my 2011 calendar

this is the cover. go here to see a slide show of the entire calendar. or you can click on the image above to go to the cover on flickr, which will allow you to click through my photostream to see the rest. but i recommend the slide show link, because you will be able to hit a play button or just scroll through at your own leisure, and you will be able to view them on a black background, which is a little nicer than just the regular flickr page.

if you want to download these for a screen saver or desktop wallpaper on your computer, feel free. i will also be printing some of these out as christmas gifts this year, so if you would like a printed version, e-mail me or leave me a comment, and i will print them and send them in a display case for your desk... at a minimal fee to cover the printing and shipping cost.

and if you are not interested in one for yourself, i hope you'll still enjoy viewing them online. either way, here's to a happy 2011!

{no... this is not my big update. that is still to come.}


  1. thanks, jen.

    i don't think they are the most amazing photos in the world. but they are some of my favorites from the past few years, and i fun making the calendar.

    hopefully next year's will be better with the use of a better camera in 2011.

  2. Oh my! Your calendar is amazing. My favorites are February and August! But the images are all fabulous!!

  3. Hi there Georgia, what a wonderful set of photo's you've choose. Love every single month. I did this to one time with my agenda.

    Have fun and a wonderful month of December.
    Hugs D.

  4. Lovely calendar. Did you use a particular service or software? I was thinking of doing one but probably not this year.

  5. candace, i used my own software at home... my design software that i have for my graphic design freelance business. it's called indesign.

    i did not use a service, but i know there are services available to do something like this. and if you have photoshop, you could do it all with that. in fact, i started out using the photoshop template provided on shutter sisters... here:

    but then i tweaked it and made it my own, and also brought the design into a design software that i am more familiar with when using type and layout.

  6. This is so lovely! I've been wanting to make one this year, too! I am just loving this one. There are so many pretty photo calendars out there, it's just not worth it to buy commercial calendars any more! Love it. <3

  7. I've been looking for the perfect calendar for 2011 and this is it! So beautiful.

  8. Hi Georgia
    Thank you for your kind words, it really means alot to me =)
    After three months I thought I would feel better, it doesn't feel any better.I miss Dad alot, especially around this season since his name means winter and he was born a day after Christmas. I know life goes on but it feels a little empty.
    I'm sorry for your Dad too, but we'll keep fighting =)

  9. I love these season photos you took! soo beautiful!!

  10. they are so pretty...each and every picture but i think june is my favorite.

    my birthday is in june~ i'm always favoring that month

    great calendar. your family and friends will love getting a copy!

  11. Hi, G! I would like to place an order for one of your calendars. I want to hang it in my new cube at my new job! :-)
    Talk soon!

  12. awww.... thanks, heather. but guess what. you were getting one anyway. that was one of my thank you gifts to the 9 women who came out to help me during my first trimester... of which you were the first!!

    so, no order necessary. now i just need to see you so i can get it to you in time for the new year.

  13. These are great! My favorite is August. You should open up a store on etsy or something and sell these--I'd totally buy one!


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