
showing my glow

tree glow {4}
tree top

tree glow {3}
tree detail

tree glow {2}
the tree in full

tree glow {1}
and a little fire works in december

just quickly showing off my glow {thanks to the lovely sister of my best friend who put up my tree last saturday} as prompted by tracey on shutter sisters today... but will be back for a more significant post soon.

hope you're glowing today.


  1. It is nice the way the lights glow. I can sit and look at them for a long time and reflect. You're in the space but also in you own space. Merry Christmas. Jenny

  2. I just love the glow of Christmas lights on the tree at night. It is such a comforting sight!!

  3. lovely glow....
    a reflection of your glowing soul.

  4. I'm not glowing, I'm glittering from all the tree decorating. Good thing I'm going to a party in a few minutes.... it's a good way to capitalize on the look.

  5. i'm so glad you're all glowy and everything....now hunker down as our snow storm keeps us tucked in for the weekend....

  6. I think you may be giving us some hints? :)

  7. makes me want to go lay down under the tree:)


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