
winter blues

winter blues

every year, you'll find me here complaining about the cold. i am just not a winter person. i hate to be cold. i thrive in the warmth. and thus, during freezing temps, the outdoors and me do not go hand in hand. so i'm looking for pretty winter {color} blues to make the winter {mood} blues disappear.

though winter does not officially start for another couple weeks, it sure feels like it has already arrived here. and it looks like it too, as we have already had a couple of snowy days.

this is one of those "feeling very cooped up" decembers for me... probably the most cooped up i have ever felt. yikes! and i still have such a long way to go until it warms up around here! i guess i'll be getting out to take pictures as much as i possibly can so as to combat this cabin fever... pictures like this that make me happy in the midst of my least favorite season.

i know... you are probably surprised to see me here. it's been a while. but before christmas arrives, i'll be back with a wallop of an update and a wish for a blessed holiday season. but for now, i just have some winter venting to do.

and you... what are you going to do to get through winter this year?


  1. First of all, I can't wait for your wallop of an update! I've missed you!

    Secondly, I take vitamin D and fish oil and it seems to help my mood stay more up during winter. I'm contemplating a UV light but haven't quite gotten there yet.

    Other than that, I try to make the most of the holidays - make sure I schedule plenty of coffee dates with friends! But no - I don't like the cold either. It hurts!

  2. I love all seasons for different reasons. I only get the blues when we are leaving one for another, but when the season is in full gear, I am all into it. No matter the weather, I do not stay inside. There is no cold which will keep me homebound. I live in a walking city, so just doing the daily errands is a different task when you throw ice/snow/wind into the mix, but I love coming back to a warm place, and changing into stretchy pants with a big throw over me as i lounge on the couch. Makes it all worth it!

  3. Great color, glad to see your post. Winter is not my favorite season either, but I've learned to live with it. It makes spring seem all that much better!

  4. So good to have you here again ... I keep another season inside ... and look for the beauty in winter, just as you have.

  5. Hi Georgia, I love your winter blues photo. I'm in a bit of a rut myself, but not because of the cold. I was really hoping and dreaming that I would not have to spend one more triple digit summer in Las Vegas, but looks like I'll be here for another summer run. I'm hoping I'll be back too with a spirit filled holiday post!
    Nice to hear from you!

  6. hi sweeet georgia,
    good to see you in your beautiful space here.
    i too suffer with the winter blues and very often feel like i would like to hibernate. getting out and about is good for me though the tempation to stay tucked up and cozy often wins out through. keeping busy helps me and appreciating the wonder of life.

    much love to you xxxxxxxxxxxx

  7. It's funny because I much prefer the winter to the stifling heat and humidity we had here this summer. For me winter is a time to snuggle by a fire with a hot drink and a blanket. Had our first flurry of snow yesterday, brrr it is getting cold.

  8. I am not a winter person either! But I sure do love the Christmas season!!!!
    I love this photo!! It is so beautiful!

  9. hey sweet friend....i've been thinking about you all the time !!

    the feelings you speak of....oh believe me, i'm right there with you !!!

    i'm not a midwest girl....but body tells me i'm a beach girl. and as far as snow goes....blech !

  10. Lovely photo! So happy to see you here. :) Can't wait for the update! Stay warm. <3

  11. i complain too, with my girlfriends who also hate the cold ~ sometimes it helps... sometimes i bundle up and let the cold wake me up ~ it's fun to find some sparkly photo ops... and it can be so beautiful to look out the window at a blanket of white... but cold wears me out, and it's refreshing to say so :-)

    love your winter blue photo!

  12. my husband hates winter...and loves summer...i, on the other hand, love winter and hate summer. We hold each other up during the times when one can not see much joy. one thing we have noised though...the sun does shine brightly during all seasons. it's all in how one looks at it :o)


  13. I was so happy to see a new update from you. Sorry you have to battle the winter blues. Try battling them with a good read, a fire and some Irish coffee.=) I am from Alaska, so if I hated winter, I would have been one very depressed child/adult until I moved away. I love snow, making snow angels, snowball fights, sledding, skiing, the excuse to pull out those baggy sweaters and knit leggings and knee boots, even let a lil budge build up.=) BUT I am not a fan of actually being cold. Just came back from Dublin and it was wonderfuly crisp cold there, here in Belgium it is only wet cold. I look forward to the wallop of info coming our way.

  14. you know, i like the snow, at least thru december. by about february 1st it will be a different story, but we have almost a foot right now and it is so pretty and i am loving it. sorry.
    glad to see you here, i have missed you!


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