
monster storm and goodbye to picture winter

glimmer of hope {for picture winter, day 29}

hope is the thing with feathers, 
that perches in the soul,
and sings the tune--without the words,
and never stops at all

~emily dickinson

so, this post title might seem strange. but "monster" is the term the news is using for the storm that is stretching across the united states... from texas to ohio, right now.

we've been bracing for a bad hit, as "they" are saying we will have the worst winter storm we've had in the past ten years. it has already started, but we seem to be in a slight lull for now. i was supposed to drive in to the city {chicago} tomorrow for my first ultrasound. because of our insurance and because of my age, i have to see a high-risk ultrasound specialist, which means driving an hour. talk about bad timing! just in case the roads are not drivable, i have rescheduled the appointment for thursday instead. we'll see what happens!

this shot was one of my last picture winter submissions. {the workshop officially ended yesterday.} the prompt was to look for glimmers of hope in our surroundings. i looked out the door one day, and all i saw was snow! though beautiful, i could not help but hope for spring to get here sooner than later. and i caught a vision of what those shrubs look like when spring does arrive... full of green and life! like the birds who stay around through the coldest and toughest of winters, i want to be patient and wait for spring and summer... even through the storms. i want to have enduring hope. {i speak to literal seasons and storms, as well as figurative.}

although it was so much fun to do, i am glad to say picture winter is over. there were days that it was not very convenient to take time for something so inspiring, as there was much else to do. but i am so grateful for the MANY friends and connections i made through the workshop. and the inspiration found there was beyond measurable! there are so many talented people out there!!

thank you, tracey, for gifting me this workshop! as with irene's simple soulful membership gift, i am truly grateful for the opportunity, as i would not have otherwise had the money to participate! it means a lot that i was given this membership... and with it, afforded the chance to learn, experiment, and make new friends!!

{my final gallery for the month of picture winter is here.}


  1. love what you did with the picture. hope is my word for the year. you gotta love hope.

  2. Aahhh... one of my favorite quotes from Miss Dickinson. I've really enjoyed all your photos from Picture Winter, and plan to blog-stalk you from now on! :)

    Best wishes to you for the rest of '11!

  3. if your storm is like our storm, you'll be using the thursday appointment....

    i can't wait for you to see your baby....bring a tissue...it will make you cry !!

  4. hahaha... thanks, yzzilyzzid! you can blog stalk... those are the best kind of stalkers! =)

    thanks, miss beth. i will definitely bring a tissue. i think i'll be crying from all the snow... before i even get there, though. =)

    thank you, kelly! hope is a good word. yes, you DO have to love it! hang on to it!

  5. Hey there-

    Funny...you were my favorite too! I think you have tons of talent and seem like such a nice...good person!! :) Hope we can stay intouch and stay inspired to create awesome pictures!

  6. the monstrous storm is blowing by my window horizontally. i hope that means that the snow will end up somewhere south of me, like springfield, il!

    i'm going out to look at the rest of the photos...today's is very cool. :)

  7. Just ADORE your images and blog. So thankful to have met so many new friends on Picture Winter. Thanks for visiting me. I will be back often. Diana

  8. So glad we had the chance to meet via PW. It was such a lovely start to the new year!! I will be bookmarking your site and be back for baby news and (I hope) more adorable self portraits in your living room. I just love that one of you in your striped tights!!
    Stay warm!!!
    xo-Lyn (aka babydoc11)

  9. mama.
    stay warm and safe!
    thanks for looking at my gallery!

    diana and lyn,
    so sweet of you both to visit and comment! i so enjoyed getting to know you both!

  10. I love the wings of hope photo! Excellent job. Stay safe in the storm and be careful.

  11. it was so great to meet you through PW and I'm so glad that I was able to see your beautiful work. Good luck with the snow that is coming and stay warm! I'm a regular blog follower of your now :)

    aviary [images]

  12. thanks, steve! hopefully it all misses you there on the east coast. you guys have gotten slammed enough as it is there!

  13. thank you, miles to go! i'm following yours as well. so nice to see you here!

    how fun this has been!

  14. hey georgia! how are you?
    hope you're weathering the storm... it's on its way here! yikes!
    that's a great picture and the hope you see in the snow!
    PW was a cool experience and got me out more than i would have otherwise!
    and... i sent you an email :)

  15. Bummer about your ultrasound! I'm glad you rescheduled, though. Sounds like it's going to get nasty for you guys!

    So funny, I didn't even know about the storm until friends from your parts started posting about it on fb today! I'm so out of the loop! All I ever watch on TV are kids shows! :-)

    Hoping you have a little down time now with your workshops done, but that you still pick up that camera and grace us with your gorgeous photos and words.


  16. just got your e-mail, joanne! thanks! i'll write back soon.

    oh, and the storm is actually a bit scary, to be honest. never seen winds like this in the winter time.

    and i saw a weird blue flash in the sky a couple of times. if that was lightening, it's a first for me!

  17. Love the image and the message. We need that now in the middle of this crazy ice storm. It's bringing pretty images but so much destruction as well.

    I'd love to add your blog to my feed reader, adding an RSS feed button will help increase your readership. :D

    I'll do my best to keep checking in here. Good luck to you!

  18. thanks, stacey! got your e-mail, too. need to write back still... maybe in the morning?

    thank you, siobhan... for the tip. i am not sure how to add that feed, but i will look into that. thanks for stopping by!

  19. georgia-- thanks so much for your thoughtful comments on my blog. yes, i'd fallen behind in my picture winter duties. but as of tonight, i am complete! and it feels great! i'm glad for the time off but do plan on doing the spring session, too. you? or irene's next simple soulful session?

    i've also been behind on my blog reading. caught up on your last few posts today. all lovely and a pleasure to read and maybe a little teary, as usual. good luck with the ultrasound. this one's a fun one. will you be finding out the gender of the baby? hope you're feeling well. sounds like you're able to savor the experience a bit which is such a treat. can't wait to hear more.

    LOVED the video clips of you guys singing. something near and dear to my heart. my sister and i always love to sing together but we are not that good! you guys look like you're having such fun! thx for sharing.

    for your reader who's looking for the feed, if you scroll all the way to the bottom, there's a link that says "subscribe to: posts (atom)". click on that and copy link into your feed reader. good luck.

    okay, enough. see around here again soon!

  20. thanks, mae!

    you can leave as long of comments as you want... never enough! =)

    not going to be doing more workshops right now. i find them too time-consuming, and i have a lot of design projects i am working on, so can't have my time eaten up like that.

    but still hope to see many around in blogland or flickrland! no, we won't be finding out the sex of the baby. gonna wait until he or she gets here! so excited!

    thanks for the comments about the singing. it is very near and dear to us, as well. we have all been singing together for a very long time... since sixth grade.

    also, thanks for the tip on subscribing... i did not eve know that. =)

    see you soon!


  21. Love the photo!! Beautiful! And this monster storm started in New Mexico. I know..I am there and hunkered down with 16 inches of snow and below zero temps. Yuck!!!

  22. Georgia,

    Love the photo here, and have really enjoyed all your images in PW. You have such a talent! I'm following your blog now so we can keep in touch.

    Blessings to you and yours!

  23. We're getting that winter blast, too, and I'm personally glad to be snowed in and have time to do so much "stuff" we've been neglecting - like finishing my baby quilt for the new grandson who arrived 2 weeks ago. I brought back fabrics from our African adventure and am seeing it come together:). I'm also glad to hear you're going to wait for baby b to arrive to determine if he/she is going home in pink or blue:). Great Expectations!

  24. Hi there! Thanks so much for your lovely comment and for visiting my blog. I'm happy we "met" in Picture Winter! I kind of dropped the ball with class as I was teaching my own e-course at the time. Too hard to balance it all - but I'm excited to get more into photography and that class was so inspiring and fun. Will you be doing another one? Congrats on your pregnancy. I just had my second boy 3 months ago and being a mother is the greatest joy on earth. Good luck to you and do keep in touch! (Your photos are awesome!) Warmly, Shannon

  25. Georgia,
    Thanks so much for the kind words and the visit to my little blog! I've enjoyed your photos so much. I'll miss seeing you in the next class, but I definitely understand. It is time consuming! Right now, I'm in a position that I have the time and I really am learning so much. I'm so new to photography. Of course, I have lots of everyday pictures, but I've never tried anything else! I love all the inspiration and my head is buzzing with ideas. I'm following your blog, will look forward to your posts.
    Thanks again
    Cathy H. (picture winter)

  26. Lovely shot. You captured the peacefulness of the moment--before the footprints cover the steps and sidewalk. So glad I got to meet you in p.w. ~ Chris Olson

  27. Georgia, I luvvvv your blog! Thanks so much for leaving your comment on our blog; I hope you'll visit often and I'll add yours to my daily travels through the blogosphere as well.

    Your photos, here and on PW, are beautiful.I think we've all learned from one another. I have to confess, when they asked me to moderate Prompt Addicts, I had no idea they'd want me to share in creating prompts. I really feel intimidated by this; everybody else seems so much more talented than I am. But I'll give it my best "shot" [pun intended].

    Hope all goes well and that you enjoy your pregnancy immensely. And if it is "Isaac", I love that name!

    PS Be prepared for you mom to be absolutely smitten with your baby! :D


  28. thank you SO MUCH, sue, deb, shannon, cathy, chris and dotti!

  29. I just wanted to stop over and say thank you for the wonderful comment you left on my blog. It must have taken so much time for you to visit everyone's blog and I applaud you. I am lucky to get to snap a picture everyday(which I didn't do for pw) let alone leave comments. Two toddlers in the house will do that for a girl. Your work is amazing and I promise to keep your blog in my google reader! Good luck with your pregnancy and I can't wait to watch your progression!

  30. Okay - you are truly a loved person! You are SO sweet to post on everyone's blogs!!!

    Good Luck tomorrow!! You will be absolutely in love (more than you already are, if you can believe that!).

  31. Hi Georgia!!! Thanks so much for the comments you left on my blog! I have really have enjoyed getting to be PW and blog buddies and am so happy I can keep up with you through your blog!!! Yay! I'll be back lots and I can't wait to follow your exciting journey through pregnancy and beyond!!! Good luck with your ultrasound....wow such an amazing experience!

    And stay warm - that storm looks like some scary stuff. Hope you can just settle in and be cozy through it!

    xoxo Angie

  32. Hi Georgia!!! Thanks so much for the comments you left on my blog! I have really have enjoyed getting to be PW and blog buddies and am so happy I can keep up with you through your blog!!! Yay! I'll be back lots and I can't wait to follow your exciting journey through pregnancy and beyond!!! Good luck with your ultrasound....wow such an amazing experience!

    And stay warm - that storm looks like some scary stuff. Hope you can just settle in and be cozy through it!

    xoxo Angie


i love getting comments! please feel free to add your own. i don't always get the chance to respond, but i do always appreciate each one.