
a year later...

almost exactly a year ago to the day, i did a post called

{a different self-portrait} i am

i was reminded of it yesterday when a newly added flickr contact saw my self-portraits set and commented on one of them.

since so much has changed in one year, i decided i would repost that post, but cross out the things that have changed and add in a few things that are new {in purple}. a year ago, i held little hope that i would ever be a mom or that this is where life would take me... where God would have me. i remember getting home from running errands one day, and before i went up to our second-story house apartment, i thought i might take some self-portrait photos {using the hood of my car as a tripod} to remember exactly how i looked and who i was at that time in my life. now i'm kind of glad i did it. it's sort of chilling to look back and see how much has changed... how much God can do in a life i thought was destined to be one way, but never another.

so below, is my re-post of {a different self-portrait} i am.

i am not afraid

i am...

not afraid.
a woman who still feels like a little girl.
longing to be a mother. a mama-to-be.
a friend.
a sister.
a daughter.
a wife.
a lover.
a christian.
a romantic.
a dreamer.
a crier.
an artist.
a twin.
the best three-legged race partner my twin will ever know.
in love with love.
a singer.
a perfectionist.
type b personality {according to those test thingies}.
strong. working on being stronger.
silly a lot.
always cold.
a big fan of the beach.
a sun-lover.
an amateur.
holding on.
a tea-drinker.
a night person.
wanting to be a morning person.
smart enough to get by.
a craver of learning.
a bird-lover.
a procrastinator.
not the best communicator.
a former television watcher.
a fan of m*a*s*h, monk and house.
a pack rat who craves simplicity. much more simple {i had a garage sale}.
a dark chocolate person.
very content after a good nap.
a collector.
a graphic designer.
very critical of myself.
a film buff.
much different-looking than even just five years one year ago. {eh-hem... think belly! i'm now to the point where i can no longer see my feet!}
a believer in the "eat right for your blood type" theory.
full of regrets.
a college graduate.
a contradiction to myself in so many ways.
a starter.
not a finisher.
a wishful thinker.
a runner.
most at peace in autumn.
one who suffers from seasonal affective disorder.
a lover of good design.
good with spacial problems.
not who i thought i was.
told often that i am gentle.
an impatient driver.
not a book reader, but wishing i was.
one who thinks believes music is the greatest thing in life.
not many of the things i used to be.
one of the things i thought i'd never be.
so many things that i have not been before.
a bit of a germ-a-phobe
{but not obsessive enough about it to keep an immaculate house}.
wanting to keep an immaculate house for baby.
one who hates noise.
constantly changing my favorite color.
looking for purpose. {i think i found it!}
far too emotional for my own good.
an obvious donner of those emotions.
a photography-lover.
a production artist by day. unemployed.
an amateur writer and photographer by night.
a connector.
one who loves touch.
not entrepreneurial.
a former shop-a-holic.
the kind of person who can live anywhere.
known to have a lead foot.
notorious for leaving long rambling messages.
a taker-inner... or a sponge, so to speak.
waiting for spring.
always looking for a photo.
sometimes sad.
often happy.
a fan of breakfast.
not a breakfast eater.
not too old to wear pig tails.
a big fan of sushi. {temporarily on hold}
close to being debt-free.
not one who owns a scale.
finding it more difficult to remember things. {especially now!!... pregnancy brain}
waiting for the day when i can wear glasses.
fearfully and wonderfully made.
a believer.
aware that i lack certain social skills.
forever missing my father.
a bit of a worrier, but less than i used to be.
tired of my bad habits.
a jack of all trades, master of none.
still deciding what i want to be when i grow up.
drawn to funny people.
hooked on ice cream and french fries. {especially now!!}
a dancer. {not really, but i'd like to think so.}
waiting for something.
aware i have so much to learn.
not a technology geek.
more right-brained than left.
figuring things out.
the most organized and unorganized person i know.
lacking discipline in many areas.
hoping to age gracefully.
often wishing i could go back.
one who needs affirmation.
tired too often. {especially now!!}
accepting of others.
critical of others, too.
not who i thought i would be by now.
letting go.
praying small, quiet prayers.
not eloquent in speech.
not poised.
beginning to show my age most in my hands.
never compared to a celebrity like my friends are.
{duh... i'm a female.}
waiting for some miracles. {minus one}
done with this list.
{even though there's so much more...}

cropped s.p. from last winter

the rest of the self-portraits i took that day are here.


  1. loved reading your list. There are a lot of similarities between us...like A LOT. It was eerie.
    Fan of breakfast
    always looking for a photo
    not entrepeneurial
    can live anywhere
    constantly changing my favorite color!
    bit of a germ-a-phobe
    a sponge (my body has suffered bc of this)
    does not own a scale
    finding it difficult to remember things
    a believer
    still feels like a little girl
    singer--love a good harmony
    totally type b
    always cold!
    sun lover
    wanting to be a morning person
    smart enough to get by
    craver of learning--esp the Bible
    form tv watcher
    DARK chocolate all the way!
    very critical of myself
    film buff
    starter not a finisher
    runner (until I broke my toe)
    most at peace in AUTUMN. YES!
    lover of good design
    spacial problems are my forte
    people always comment that I am gentle
    totally impatient driver
    MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC (have you gotten the new Civil Wars album???)
    a connector, totally.
    loves touch
    former shop-a-holic. In fact, just today I was amazed at how much that desire has been taken from me.
    I am so guilty of leaving rambling messages.
    waiting for spring--winter is hard.
    so not a tech geek. I suck a technology.

    A few differences:
    I'm 41
    I love love love to read
    can't do sushi
    never like MASH

    So there we go. I think we were separated at birth. :)

  2. It has been so long since I have been able to read blogs and post comments and such. BUT OH MY GOSH. I am so, so so THRILLED FOR YOU. Even just through your blog..your love, passion and just radiant life seeps through. I am glad to see that the sad point and the gloom are gone. You will be an amazing mother. Congrats.

  3. thanks, bridgette!
    great to hear from you. =)

    thanks, miss jamie!

    tracey... LOVED your comment/list. funny, 'cause i already have a twin. i guess i was a triplet, not a twin. =) you are right... very eerie! but cool!

  4. Hehehe I love this list! It's fun to look back to see the differences that even just a year can make. I love it. I am so happy to know you, even if just through the internet. :)

  5. Just loved this Georgia! You inspire me to write my own list but it may take forever as I am not good with words as you know:)

  6. Thanks so much for popping over to my blog after Picture Winter! Many thanks, too, for all of your comments on my photos in the gallery.

    I love your list and how you have updated it with changes since last year. Congratulation on your biggest change, mama-to-be!

    Love your name, too! My youngest daughter's name is Georgia.

  7. So much joy and good stuff in your life. . . and more to come!

  8. Love this Georgia! I love that you wrote the list and love even more that you decided to go back and see all the things that have changed! Beautiful!

  9. great post. i like the comparison and so happy for you and your new self
    great portraits too. : )

  10. How did I miss commenting on this post?? I love it. Loved reading all these things about you, although I feel like I know most of them already. Which is crazy seeing that I've only really "known" you for a few weeks.

    I feel like Tracey in that there are a lot of similarities between us it's a little eerie. In fact, I look back at your list and Tracey's list and if I were to do my own it would pretty much be the same. From sensitive to connector to loving touch, the rambling msgs, always looking for a photo, a sponge and needing affirmation, passive and type b and complicated...and green eyed! :-) You're a runner? I'm trying to be a runner! So not a finisher, wish I was. I'm ALWAYS cold, nostalgic, a procrastinator, not the best communicator but a really good listener. VERY critical about myself, soft-spoken. About the only thing I could find different is that I am not a germ-a-phobe!

    We were meant to be friends! :-)

  11. yay, stacey! now i'm a quadruplet with my twin and you and tracey!! =)

    i might have guessed you are a lot like me. i figured when i found your blog and saw your style of writing like you are talking to someone in person... the way i like to write.

    i hope to become more like you in the sense of photography and writing, though... to become as gifted as you!

    we ARE meant to be friends!


i love getting comments! please feel free to add your own. i don't always get the chance to respond, but i do always appreciate each one.