"...make no mistake—

...nature bats last."
~robert m. pyle
{that's okay. with weeds as pretty as these, why bother, right?}
happy weekend, everyone! i hope it's a good one––free of weeds, or at least free of weeding. i wanted to thank you all for celebrating my bloggiversary with me and saying lots of very encouraging things that made my heart tickle. you are all the best!
thank you, also, for supporting my guest post and the blog that it posted on. i saw some of you became "followers" of dani's blog. you will be glad you did! {my husband teases me about the "followers" section on blogger/blogspot blogs. he jokes around saying my blog is a cult and i'm the cult leader. it's blogger's fault. they are the ones who called it that. that's why i changed the name from "followers" to "those who visit to see what i see". oh, too funny! what can you do?}
next up: florida pool
I too think that the follower thing is funny, I just need a few more and I'll have a full blown messiah complex. :) Happy weekend to you too!
Happy weekend to you too...off to drink my Kool-aid.
That's probably why I don't "follow" anyone. I take that back...I had to follow Liss (A Memory Forever) in order to be eligible for her cookbook giveaway. But that doesn't count, because I was coerced into it with a big carrot.
My weekend WILL be spent weeding, because right now they are definitely winning the battle. You have a good one!
PS Look for your package today!!! =)
thanks, toni! i'm so excited! i can't wait. i'm like a little kid waiting for santa clause. :)
"Followers" creeps me out too:)...maybe that's why I just keep adding blogs to "My Favorites"...
weeds can be the prettiest of the group....that is life too don't you think?
Weeds are taking over my garden but yours are so much more prettier than mine, lucky you ;0)Great post!
I have to admit the followers section is my guilty pleasure. Somehow it's comforting to know that people like reading us. Ego boost, yes. Lame, probably. Oh well. Happy weekend!!
Thanks for your nice comments Georgia! I'll be sure to check in on your stuff too. Liking what I see so far!! :)
oh I should've logged in with my other user name - but I'm Photography By Jaana if you couldn't figure it out! haha...
That's a beautiful shot! I love the sky!
I follow your blog because you are doing more with your photography and your words than other people.
i've seen some awfully pretty weeds. i like this quote about them.
"A weed is a plant that has mastered every survival skill except for learning how to grow in rows." ~Doug Larson
Very pretty weeds! I have hardly any weeds in my yard because they're all flowers that are wanted :)
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