my home town had their fireworks on sunday night. around 9:00, i heard the booming in the distance. i was wanting to go out to the store to get ice cream anyway, so i thought i would take my camera along in hopes of getting some fireworks shots. here's what i got.
the collage above and below are just some "regular" shots––you know... those "you've seen one, you've seen them all" type of shots. i admit, they are not all that interesting. {although, if you click on the collage below, you will see greater detail that might be worth your time––especially in the middle shot of the first row and the outside shots of the second row.}

it was cool to me to look at my pictures when i got home, and this is why: when i am viewing fireworks live, although they are all beautiful and very diverse-looking, they all just look like fireworks to me. when i look at the various bursts of energy on camera, they all look like so many different things to me! some looked like sea creatures {anemones or urchins}. some looked like stars in space or even whole galaxies. some looked like flowers. some looked like u.f.o.s {or at least how u.f.o.s are portrayed in movies}. some looked like neon signs in a blurred photograph. some look like fire. i think i like this taking pictures of fireworks thing. i'm glad there will be more next weekend in a neighboring town.
since i had to take my shots from the side of the road on the first street i found with a decent open view, i had to accept that there would be something partially blocking my view. i chose a spot where that partial block would be trees. to me, that was better than a building blocking it. i'm glad i did. i think it added a neat effect to my photos when the fireworks explosion was partially behind the trees. these {the next eight pictures} ended up being some of my favorite shots. numbers seven and eight from this group are my favorite, because you can really see the defined edge of the trees.

but of all my fireworks photographs of the night, it was the photos that "didn't turn out" that i ended up liking the most {below}. the shots that appear blurry or out of focus are my favorite, because they are not typical fireworks shots. i love the effect that came out in these. some were intentionally out of focus and some were not. but i like them all this way.

Love the bokeh fireworks!!! You got some really great shots...and I never stopped to think that they look like sea cool!
OOOO I love the bokeh/out-of-focus shots!!! I WISH I WOULD HAVE TRIED THAT WITH MINE!!!! Some did come in out of focus, but not to the beautiful extent of yours!! Wonderful shots of the 4th fireworks!
Great photos Georgia, I haven't been to a fireworks display in years. Last one that I saw was over Niagara falls
in winter. There's a winter trip for ya! We're heading there next week for some r&r and water park fun. I'll be sure to take lots if pictures.
I need to get a tripod and learn how to take longer exposures. I got one of those remote clicker thingies. But I need some technical guidance and some practice shots.
Great shots! I really love the bokeh fireworks. I was going to do that with some of mine and then the rain started pouring! year. :)
these are wonderful. i didn't get to see any that night but, ah who cares, you gave me a show right here.
Great job! I love the whimsy you've captured...and the tree does add a neat effect. Isn't it fun? I spent some time just watching, this year, then frantically capturing images, then watching. It's been so interesting seeing the wild variety and points of interest everyone has. Well done!
Oh yes...I almost forgot. I also love how you presented the images, in the various collage formats as well as singley. Creative.
I like all of 'em, even the crisp, perfect ones! They're pretty...I so wanted to try fireworks this year but was not in a place that had them :(
I usually step out on my deck in the back yard and watch a couple go off, but I didn't this year. The pups were going a little nuts, but they calmed down. Love the bokeh-works!!
this is the best show I have seen all the differing focuses make it so unique
these are great - you're right, they translate really different in photo than in real life. the blurry ones are awesome - some of them i wouldnt even know what they are if you hadnt said!
very pretty shots you've taken!!!
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