one of the definitions of infuse is " to put into or introduce as if by pouring". i like this word. i thought it a good word to go with this post. it is as if yellow pigment was poured into these black an white shots.
i took them using the color accent feature on my camera--a feature that lets you choose a color in your viewfinder that will be picked up wherever found in the shot and accented while all other colors are left "off" {or converted to black and white}.
i was experimenting and had no idea i would like how they turned out this much. i now plan to capture more of the colors of autumn this way.
{hahaha... you thought i forgot five, didn't you? i saved it for last, because it my favorite shot of them all.}

wow.. that's a clever camera... i like these... infuse is a perfect description.
Very creative, five it is!
Love the golden glow... :o)
nice! :) hey, when you get a sec, i thought you might enjoy some of my latest fall pics on my blog: http://rochelle-learning-to-trust.blogspot.com
I had to stop my photography one... just didn't have the energy to do all that anymore.
Hope you're well, sweet friend!! {hugs}
got me. :)
I'm totally in love with #2. What a stunning way to show us leaves. And the changing color of fall is amazing to me.
that is such a cool feature. i didn't know there was such a thing in the camera.
haha and you're so funny leaving 5 for last.
That's a pretty cool feature, I don't think I have it but I'll have to look. I have yet to read the manual for my camera yet or the field guide I bought to learn it :)
1) I was worried you didn't know what comes between #'s 4 and 6 there for a minute. ;) 2) I love #2! 3) I wish my camera had this option. Love the splash of yellow. lovelylovelylovely. Happy Autumn, Georgia B.
p.s. thank-you for the nice comment on my last post. it was, indeed, a good night.
Those are very beautiful pictures! I will have to look and see if i have that feature. That would be fun to play around with.
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