rich colors and textures...
vintage patterns...
all on one shelf {of many} in a friend's sewing studio for her hand-made handbags...
{i am joining my friend, ginny, in her "things i am noticing: october" series.
i notice so many things from the moment my eyes open in the morning until the moment they shut. i like the idea of recording those things with my mind, my camera and my blog. in fact, this goes right along with something i was thinking about on sunday--something i had planned to write about on my blog. i realized that i've always been this way--looking around and taking notice at the beautiful or interesting or attention-grabbing or even the unnoticed. my gaze has been my camera my whole life. my eyes, the lens. my mind, the memory card. i'm not so new to taking pictures as i previously thought. it's just that i'm new to taking them with a canon powershot S5 IS.
so i'm loving this little project or exercise. i'm happy to share the things i take notice of--the things i take pictures of.}
very nice.
as a fabric lover i LOVE this image!
thank you for joining me ...'noticing'.
Hello, Georgia! Many thanks for visiting me yesterday. It is great to meet you and find your beautiful, creative space here in blogland. Fun we have Ginny in common--as well as photography... And fabric... I LOVE fabric and fiber and love sewing, quilting, beading, jewelry-making--I do all sorts. So I love these frayed edges and the jumble of patterns and color...scrumptious! I look forward to visiting again. Happy Day! :o)
oh this is so rich and mindful georgia...it is amazing , the noticing that happens.
My mum has piles of material and I love looking though it occasionally, exploring the different patterns and textures.
Thanks for noticing this.
I notice the little things too....far more often than the big things that are blatantly in front of me....
missing you...
I know this feeling too...always seeing things in pictures. It's a wonderful way to observe the world! And most of the time, it really is the little things that make the day so rich. Can't wait to see what you share with us as you take in the world around you.
beautiful shot and processing. i'm all about noticing the small things these days. too often we rush and forget what is the most important only to get tripped up on the little things.
Great concept. I feel the same way, although sometimes the camera doesn't quite capture what I see in my mind's eye. That's where the real challenge (and fun) begins.
Hello. And Bye.
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