you are the best mom
i could have ever asked for.
i really mean that.
i honor the hard work
you put in for so many years,
and still continue to today,
to try to be the best mom that you could
to five children.
i'm sure there were days when you did not feel appreciated.
but words can not express my gratitude
for all that you have done for me
and continue to do for me {and b.}.
we love you.
like you said, every day should be mother's day.
i know you were joking.
but you are right.
you should be honored every day.
thank you for being my friend.
thank you for praying every day
that i, too, will some day be a mom.
thank you for never making me feel as though
i am not important in this world
if i don't have children.
thank you for teaching me
that there is a reason for me being here.
and thank you for telling me that today of all days.
~ ~ ~
i was going to wish all mothers
a happy mother's day today.
and i DO wish you one if you are a mom.
but i also want to say something to all women
who are going through what i am going through...
longing to be a mother,
but for some reason or another can not {or could not }.
i know how difficult this day is for you.
and my heart breaks for you
as much as it breaks for me.
i want you to know,
you are important...
just as important as all the mothers
who are blessed enough to have children
and faithfully,
raise and provide for them.
you may or may not have that opportunity,
but if not, God has another purpose for you.
and though this is a day to honor mothers,
knowing how hard this day might be for you,
i just want you to know
that you are not unimportant.
in fact, you are very very important.
God has placed that longing in you for a reason.
he may yet fulfill it.
he may not.
either way, you are here for a reason.
a very important one.
Wow! How did you write all of this after talking on the phone with me a few minutes ago? That's the way it sounds! Thank you for your kind words. And remember, there is never just one thing that makes you a great person. God has given you much talent and character. (And you are a character!) Live in the realm of trust, no matter what that means. Our great God is worthy of our trust. For today, remind yourself that He makes no mistakes. And then take time to tell Him that. Soon I will have to tell you the story of my very recent quest for joy. Maybe next Saturday night. I love you!
The comments of both you and your mom give us a glimpse of what makes you both so special ... thank you for sharing them.
This is so lovely. I adore my mother too, and as she is also a mother to five of us, I could have almost written your tribute myself! <3
And I think it's very sweet for you to include the longing non-mothers in here, Georgia. Know that always my thoughts and prayers are for you to have your heart's desire. Beautiful.
Such a wonderful, heart-felt poem. It's especially thoughtful of you to reach out to those who aren't mothers, but want to be, esp. as it seems to "hit home" for you. Beautiful words.
Lovely words, lovely picture.
And you know, we can ALL be spiritual mothers to someone. I know that may seem like a shallow substitute for "the real" thing, but it's true. Those of us who are biological mothers need to remember that as much as those who aren't. But that's something I've been reminded of this weekend.
thank you for that reminder, danielle.
Hi Geogia, I've been thinking about you lately and specialy yesterday. Thanks for sending out your true hurt words. Opening your broken heart. I've made a post to women too who long to be a mother themselfs. Sending out my thoughts and blessings to you (and your hubby).
I loved this post.
Wonderful warm hugs, Dagmar
thank you, dagmar.
You are the kindest, giving person I know.
I know how you feel about wanting children and not having them.
I went through it too. But Look What happened I have 2 beautiful little girls and one on the way any day now. An I am in my forty's.
You are here for a wonderful purpose, Believe it or not. You are special.
Never give up on your dream of having children it will happen one way or another. And if it doesn't than God knows what the plan is. Hang in there. You have a special caring heart and every thing you do is very important to someone, somehow, someway.
Julie T:)
this is so sweetly written. you were in my thoughts yesterday and i wanted to say, you are a very special woman - touching the lives of many i am sure. you touch many virtually and i can imagine your kind and giving heart touches even more lives around you each and every day. you are in my prayers.
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