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heart cookie_3

heart cookie
so... i decided that a few days to celebrate love and acts of kindness in february is just not enough time for celebrating such a grand idea and concept. thus, i am deeming february "a month of love" here on this blog. {in fact, a month of love posts will get their own tags and gallery button in my side bar... including past february love-themed posts.} although valentine's day is past, i'm not one to be bound to what tradition says we should do when it comes to celebrating. {EHEM... christmas tree coming down two days after valentine's day... case in point}. after all, shouldn't love really be celebrated EVERY day of the year?

a month of love
i thought of this idea after a few things that happened to me yesterday... i can not help but spread the love {in the form of writing about it} when these things occur. and plain and simple... i just did not get in enough heart-themed photos surrounding valentine's day! and hearts are EVERYWHERE lately. they are becoming the most popular symbol, it seems. see ya, peace sign! {*wink*}... oh, wait, that was "out" a long time ago, wasn't it?

anyway, for starters, i had to take some shots of the last two of four cookies my friend julie gave me when she stopped by for lunch last week {before they get consumed by a very hungry mama/baby duo}. aren't they cute? they make me wish i had made some sweets for v. day.

secondly, i had to write about an act of shared love i just experienced... when i woke up yesterday, i made my hot cocoa and sat down at the computer and logged in to find out there was a very special e-mail waiting for me.

it said this:
mae has sent you a $36.00 gift certificate that you can use for any class or workshop at big picture classes. you can find us online at http://www.bigpictureclasses.com...
mae also sent this message: would love to see you in picture inspiration. you will surely have much to do on your hands with the baby but at least the prompts are weekly, not daily! all the best!
enjoy your gift - we look forward to having you in class soon!
oh, my! how surprised and delighted i was! i had actually been wanting to blog about picture inspiration ever since i saw it announced on shutter sisters. i wanted to encourage all my readers to join, because if it is anything like my experience of the picture winter workshop that i was a part of, it will be awesome as well as inspiring and fun!

and now, not only am i writing to say you should join, but also to say "I'VE JOINED TOO!"... thanks to sweet mae. {i met mae through the picture winter workshop. and not to say that i had favorites there, but mae was one of the ladies i connected with the most.} how generous of her was that? how giving and how thoughtful and how sweet! i would probably not have joined, as funds are low and any extra money i have right now is going toward the baby room. but now i can still be a part of it! and she is right... the pace of a weekly prompt {instead of a daily prompt} will be so much better for me!

first i won a picture winter membership from tracey. then i was gifted picture inspiration from mae. this makes me so glad and makes me feel so LOVED! i'm truly grateful for the opportunity to continue to be a part of such a wonderful photography community.

speaking of photography communities, how great is the announcement of camp shutter sisters? i can not even tell you how badly i want to go to that! but i will have a less-than-six-month-old when it takes place, and i just don't know how realistic that would be. maybe next year? {*fingers crossed*}

anyway, please please please go sign up for picture inspiration if you have not already. you WILL NOT be sorry. tracey's inspiration is nothing short of her inspiration on shutter sisters or her blog. and it's a smaller, more intimate community. i highly recommend it... for what you will learn, how you will be inspired, the friends you will make!

it's funny, because when i first blogged about joining picture winter {or about winning a membership}, someone who i did not yet know {who i was not aware was reading my blog}, read my post and thought it sounded like a fun endeavor. so she signed up for the class. about a week into the class, she wrote and said, "hey, i just realized after seeing your photos in the workshop, that you are the one who got me to sign up for the class... because of what i read about it on your blog."

i'm so glad i could inspire and connect her in that way! i hope i do the same for you. if i am not mistaken, the price of the class has been drastically slashed. so i strongly encourage you to join!

okay... i'll be back tomorrow with more about love shared and love spread. i've got four more days to celebrate such things on this blog... well, with a heart-themed photo, that is. i'm certain that even long after february 28th, i'll still celebrate love... right on up through and past february of 2012.

have a LOVE-ly day!


  1. Oh, Georgia! I'm so glad you've signed on for Picture Inspiration! YAY!! See you there . . . Dotti

  2. Wow! That was SOOOO nice of Mae! Glad to see that both you and Mae will be taking the class. I just signed up last night and was able to twist the arm of one of my good friends to do it with me too! She is new to photography and I can't wait to see her take on the prompts! See you in class!

  3. How totally awesome and generous of Mae! This really warmed my heart and put a big smile on my face. I'm so glad you'll be in Picture Inspiration! See you there!

  4. i know, guys! i'm still rather blown away by it. so so so thoughtful of her.

    words can not express how grateful i am!

    can't wait to see you all there, too!

  5. Sound like fun. So happy for you. You are a wonderful photographer.

    Glad you liked the cookies to. :)
    Ours are all gone now too.

    Hope you had a great day with your sister yesterday.
    J and baby C :) :)

  6. I've been following your blog since Picture Winter. I'll see you in Picture Inspiration! I'm looking forward to tomorrow's prompt!

  7. glad to be able to bring a little joy! and perhaps it's a little selfish on my part. now i get to enjoy all those photos of the little one that you're sure to take for the assignments! anyway, enjoy!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Those biscuits look absolutely gorgeous and delicious! Yummy! And what a great idea your month of Love is!

    How wonderful that you could join Picture Inspiration too (and what a generous and inspiring gift this is!). I've joined it as well, and I'm great need of some inspiration at the moment! I seem to have some kind of photographer's block at the moment. I just hope I'll come up with an idea for the selfie...

    Sorry I haven't been around much lately. Haven't been so well, but things are looking up again :-). Hope you're well and looking forward to seeing you over at Picture Inspiration. And here, of course :-)

  10. yay, ladies!
    so excited to see you all there again.

    thanks again, mae!

  11. you're such a cutie pie. love you.

  12. kath and i signed up last week. can't wait to start!!

  13. yay, margie!

    can't wait to see you both.

    i'm gonna see if my sis will sign up, too!

  14. You're almost tempting me. I could never do a daily prompt with my work schedule but weekly, maybe. I have another self-paced workshop that I only half completed, though, and it's weighing on me. I really liked it, too, so I don't know what happened.

    I love heart images. I did several days of hearts on my blog and was looking for links to others but didn't find many.

    I have to differ on the peace symbol. I see it EVERYWHERE and I think it's pretty cool, especially since I was around when it was popular the last time.

    Anyway, congrats on your lovely gift.

  15. hehehe, candace... i was just teasing about the peace sign! i know it will be around forever! =)

    you should join picture inspiration! i'd love to see you there.

  16. How sweet! What a wonderful gift.

    Thinking of you, friend!!

  17. Hey! Thanks for the blog love connection on Shutter Sisters. Very sweet of you! xoxoxo

  18. How great that Mae gave you that gift certificate!! I joined Picture Inspiration too but have not yet been active because of life being crazy!!! : ) But I am getting my mojo back and will start being more active this week - so excited! And I hear you about Camp Shutter Sisters - I keep trying to figure out a way I can go, but I am hoping they have one next year and I can do it then - maybe I'll see you there next year!!?!


i love getting comments! please feel free to add your own. i don't always get the chance to respond, but i do always appreciate each one.