hey, mister. before you scoot off to work, i wanted to let you know that i celebrate you today... and all forty-three years you've been around... especially the ones in which you met me, noticed me, pursued me, caught me, dated me, married me, listened to me, played guitar for me, wrote songs for me, held me, nursed me, humored me, got frustrated with me, grieved with me, questioned me, forgave me, kept me, sharpened me, helped me, sacrificed for me, cooked for me, provided for me, gave a son to me, and parented with me... and so so many other things that make you the best person i've ever known. yes, best.
thank you for teaching me and for fulfilling two of the biggest callings you were put here for. though you may have flaws or shortcomings, i honestly could not raise a single issue with you to complain about. in fact, i feel so very lucky, and surely undeserving. but i love you with all my heart.
the laughter you bring into our lives {and others} is one of the best treasures that you are. wisdom, patience, truth and grace are at the top of that list, too. and let's not forget... you get more handsome every year. i don't care what you say!
even if you aren't big on birthdays, i celebrate you anyway... and the fact you were brought into this sometimes strange and sad place we live in forthy-three years ago today.
oh... and here is a little message from mini-you...
* * * * *
oh... and here is a little message from mini-you...

This is such a sweet post! Happy Birthday to the Mister! That shot of your little one is seriously amazing! He is absolutely adorable :o)
thank you, elana. i had fun getting those pics of isaac in that moment. some of my favorites of him yet.
What a nice post!!! Enjoy today!! Hope you guys have a happy easter!
thank you, mr. & mrs. p.
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