i think the best pool, though, is the one that looked out over the bay {pictured in a few of these including the last two shots}. it was such a cool thing to look across the blue pool and see more blue water that stretched out as far as the eye could see beyond that. it was weird because it's not something you see every day. well, maybe in florida it is. but around here, the whole reason one has a pool is because there is no water nearby. but i really like how this looks. i wish it was my back yard.
every pool there was surrounded by the most beautiful landscaping of flowers of every color and lots of rich green foliage. and the temperature of the pool was always perfect. almost daily, we would swim at the beach and lay in the sand, and then we would head over to the refreshing pool to cool off and de-salt our skin.
the good life, no? i've been thinking of buying a pool pass for the summer. there is a good chance i would get a lot of use out of it if this not finding a job thing keeps up. and hey, if i bought a laptop, i could still search for jobs even while i'm sitting poolside, right? well... that is if i don't fall asleep.
speaking of jobs, i did get a phone number from a colleague of a colleague of my husband––a woman who was inquiring about a job opening in her company that needs to be filled. i'm going to call first thing in the morning and see if i can send them my resume. it's something... it's not what i would call a lead at this point, but i'll take it!
then wednesday i'm off to shoot some photos at the chicago botanical gardens. i've been wanting to go there for years. i've never been there before, so i'm really looking forward to it. hopefully you are having a good start to your week. if not, i give you permission to take the day off and go sit by the pool. okay? okay.
I would love to go sit by the pool. I grew up a fish. So what is it that you do, when you do have a job, if you don't mind my asking?
Gooood luck, goood luck...GOOOD LUCK!! Just imagine me singing that.=) I hope that lead turns out. I love the pool over looking the bay. You got some sweet images. I like the one where the sun causes a glint, and the one with the bottom of the pool chair legs.
no, toni. i don't mind. i have worked in the publishing/printing/graphics industry for the past 16+ years. my degree is in graphic design. most of my experience is as a production designer and freelance graphic designer. not sure if you'll get this, so i'll leave a comment on your blog about it, too.
know of any jobs out in washington? :)
i love a pool. i know it's very vogue to pooh pooh a pool but i like them. the rage here is a saltwater pool. even better, no chlorine. pools are special in their own right and should never be judged as a replacement or stand in for an ocean or a lake. i love this series.
oh how I want to sit poolside, too...
but I haven't now for years, really, unless there's been an umbrella to at least cover up my face and then I can only sit for a short amount of time...
now on the beach...I can sit for hours, but once again, the past 8 years or so, I've been under an umbrella only leaving it for a short walks to find beach goodies...but I still have on my baseball cap for some protection....
your shots are beautiful....especially the sunset photos....my favorite time of day....well, I guess I love the sunrise just as much :)
the reflections...textures ...blues forever...that is a pool in all it's glory
Oh, those pool pix look divine! Makes me miss Hawaii and all that water and sand :(
Can't wait to see you tomorrow! I still gotta do some reconnaissance regarding the breakfast place. I'll email you later today with my findings.
the pool does sound good, but it's so rainy here today! tomorrow! and the next couple hot days we'll be there. love the way the last pool runs off into the water behind. gorgeous! here's to peaceful days that run together!
best wishes on the continued job search. praying for you!!
you will just love the CB gardens. it's amazing!!! i love it there so much. death to my legs/fibro pain, but amazing nonetheless. with all the energy you have, i'm sure you can walk around it all day and not get bored or tired. ;) well, maybe a skosh tired. i love going there with my mom at least every other year. it's just one of my fav places. i look forward to seeing your pics!! :)
OK, those photos made me want to be there so bad! I think I may have to go back and look again and go on a mini mental vacation!
Good luck on the job!
Have a great week :)
Oh, I wish I were sitting poolside today! That's great news on the job lead. Good luck!
so very refreshing here today.
good luck on the job lead and i KNOW you'll have fun at the gardens and come back with amazing work.
Oh, these shots make me long for Sarasota and the keys. Thanks for taking me back in pictures! They're all gorgeous!
Good luck with the job hunt. I've been keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
thanks for the positive wishes for the job bite, everyone!!!
Your shots are fabulous...and really make me want to take a swim! At sunset, of course. Or by moonlight. I think I particularly love the shots of the deck chairs - pattern and design.
Enjoy the gardens. All the years we've gone to Chicago we haven't done that yet. And we want to visit the Arboretum, as well. Another time. Another excuse to visit our favorite city!
these are all wonderful! i love pools and beaches and summer. sooo awesome! hehe. i loooove the 10th one down, with part of the pool and some flowers in the background. great shots! i'll bet looking at the photos makes you want to go back, hehe. ;)
good luck with you job lead!! :P
Fingers crossed for you and your pics are beautiful!
i really like the detail of the chair legs on the ground - simple but just a lovely composition
These are lovely! I would love to have a pool in my back yard...and the ocean to go with it! My favorite of your three flower pics at the beginning is the third...altho I can see why you would have a hard time deciding!
Good Luck on the lead!
oh that looks so relaxing and the white flowers are so beautiful.
I think you are so talented and your photos are gorgeous.
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