love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get -- only with what you are expecting to give -- which is everything.
~katherine hepburn
- i posted this quote and photo last night.
- i woke up and realized i have more to say.
- you all have been very giving lately.
- i've been sort of absent in your worlds.
- i want to say i'll be there soon.
- i don't want you to think i expect your visits, but i'll not return the favor.
- i've just only been able to find it in me to "get stuff out there" here.
- but i know if i visit you all, i will find so much inspiration and encouragement, as well as opportunities to encourage you.
- so know i will be there and am looking forward to it.
- thank you for being the kind of people who will give support and love even if there is nothing to gain... without looking for anything in return.
- with valentine's day close-by, i decided to do a "ten days of love" series... ten posts about love.
- i don't think i'll ever know the true definition of love, but there are a lot of good things written about it out there that make you think. so i'll be sharing those with some photos for the next 10 days.
- i've never read the four loves by c. s. lewis from cover to cover before -- only excerpts or chapters, and that out of order. but i like what i've read thus far, so i decided that by valentine's day, i'm going to read the whole thing front to back.
- i'm sure you'll see some quotes from the book over the next several days, as he is probably my favorite author.
- i hope you have a lovely day.
I shall turn this over in my head all day...I always give everything...but I don't think I always get everything back...if I did...I think I'd have found true love by now... xxx
So true!!! A lot of people forget that! Your photo is fabulous!
beautiful beautiful image.
beautiful shot - enjoy the book too (i did)
Love is give and take. Take your time and do what you need to do right now. :)
lovely thoughts and actions ...
i never heard that quote before - LVOE it...and you too ;)
You're so creative. Put that stuff in a bottle and ship it to me, okay??
no need, sweet kara. i've seen your blog. you need not help in that department.
thanks, though. you made my day.
thanks to all you lovlies!
Thanks for whishing me a lovely day. I'll send it back to you from my heart with a golden touch.
May your days up to Valentines and beyond it be full with love.
This picutre make me long for spring even more....thanks for passing it on.
this is a great series! so inspiring. so full of love. i'm amazed that through all your work days you still have time to post!! it's so much more than i can do right now, and i can completely understand not getting out to others' blogs - i am only getting a chance today becuase i'm home enjoying a snow day....
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