the moon was really full and bright over the weekend, so i took the opportunity to photograph the heavenly sphere that was lighting up the black sky and glaring through my dining room window. it's times like this i'm happy to have a better zoom than i used to. i was thrilled to get the detail i did. {click on the image to see even better detail.} you could actually see the craters and bumps on the surface. like i said... way cool!however, i saw no man. just several spots that, to me, don't form any sort of face or anything at all. so how funny it was when just minutes after taking the photo, i went to add an onion slice to my dinner only to find the man was in the onion instead. there they were... big knobby eyes staring right up at me. it was borderline creepy. {i added the onion skin for the smile and the hair.}
i wish the photo of the onion would have turned out better, but it was dark in my kitchen. i kind of wanted to take something that was reminiscent of the work of joost ellfers... the photographer who does the play with your food series. well, joost ellfers i am not. but it was still fun to play. {except for the whole hands-smelling-like-onions part.}i even put the two shots together to form a diptych called "cheese and onion dip". hehehe. get it? {sorry... i had to throw that in. i inherited my dad's corny sense of humor.}
well, this silly post is all i got today. i hope it finds you smiling and having a very good day.
Ha! Love it. And I'm a huge fan of Play With Your Food too.
great photos ... and fun!
silly is good....
beautiful detail for sure on the moon.
It did find me smiling and I am having a terrific day! Love your onion man!! And the moon photo is awesome.
I totally see the man in the moon...two big round eyes and a long nose and a round open mouth...try again, you'll see it !
That is the coolest onion photo I've ever seen... the moon's not bad either.
I think this silly post, is beyond great. it made me think of you giggling and putting the onion man together with his hair.=)
Love it - laughter and fun in the smaller things! :) xxx
that moon photo is fantastic! and the onion one just rocks!!!
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