
...partnered with the sun and the wind,
you haven't a care.
sweet spring, you inspire the artist in us all.
{by the way... thank you to all who wrote me some poetry a couple posts back. after i wrote and published that post, i discovered on the radio that...
and thank you for all the kind comments on my bloggiversary post. i hope you all have a beautiful spring day. it's quite warm and perfect here, so i'm quite sure i will.}
{p.s. hope you got your taxes done! we did... just barely.}
april is national poetry month.
so i found it very appropriate. anyway, if you who were brave enough to write some poetic words to complement my photo, i thank you. i enjoyed reading them all.and thank you for all the kind comments on my bloggiversary post. i hope you all have a beautiful spring day. it's quite warm and perfect here, so i'm quite sure i will.}
{p.s. hope you got your taxes done! we did... just barely.}
this is so very creative ...
Got mine done last week...whew!! Love your poetry and the photos are magnificent!!!
Hey! Been away, just popping in briefly but will be back to catch up more fully...wonderful wonderful photos - really great! I want to be able to do that!!! As for poetry...sounds intriguing...will check out shortly.Trust you are okay? xxx
Yes, National Poetry Month, I am celebrating poetry everywhere! And this post, this post is its own brand of poetry, pictures and words...
(And if you are into it, I am participating in a poetry book giveaway at the blue muse)
I love the way you add words to your photos, they are always perfectly matched to the image.
You are so ridiculously creative!!!
thanks, friends.
I wish I was brave enough to attempt poetry...LOVE the cardinal shot!
Great photos!
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