oh, my! he's hardly a babe anymore, is he? in just over a month, he'll be one year old! my little baby is growing up. {*frown* *sniffle* *sniffle*}
how did that happen? i truly can't fathom it. really. others may think it's just an expression when i say it seems like i just brought him home from the hospital. but it's not. it really does feel that way. if his first year was a blur... gosh, what will the next seventeen be like? and if the years seem to go by faster the older we get {and i'm already forty}, i best pay attention. if i blink, he might have graduated and moved out to college when i open my eyes!... eeeek! i don't even want to think about how old i will be then...
well, i have not done texture tuesday in a long while. and i really wanted to post this, one of my favorite florida pics of isaac, from our recent trip. so i'm doing both in one shot!
{i've used kim klassen's embrace and be still textures. i did not purposely pick those two for any particular reason, but now that i think about it, they are appropriate here... normally, i can not get isaac to sit still for any good close-up shots like this. but because he was in the sand and it is yet too unfamiliarly uncomfortable, he was quite still. he just sort of sat there and observed the texture of it... not quite sure what to think. so there's the "be still" part. and "embrace" is perfect for this, too... because all this photo makes me want to do is run up to him and hug my little man... squeeze him tight!}
speaking of beach babe... i almost forgot about something that happened on the beach that was rather hilarious. i was in the sand with the camera, taking pictures of isaac in mr. b's arms as they waded in shallow waves. isaac was still not yet accustomed to the water and was sort of half whining, half crying while his dad held him. out of the corner of my eye, i saw a jogger approaching from the left, so i lowered my camera to let the runner pass and so as not to have a blurry jogger in any of my shots. this person happened to be a gorgeous, thin, young woman wearing a bikini as she listened to her iPod and ran along the beach where the waves met the sand... right in front of isaac. as soon as this young sprinting beauty caught isaac's eye and attention, he stopped crying... i mean, immediately. and not only that, but his head spun on that neck as quickly as needed to follow her every step and not miss a beat. as soon as she was far enough away for him to care, he started crying again. but man, did that beach babe catch his eye! mr. b. and i laughed so hard afterward. busted, little man! busted!
just had to share that little side note.
speaking of beach babe... i almost forgot about something that happened on the beach that was rather hilarious. i was in the sand with the camera, taking pictures of isaac in mr. b's arms as they waded in shallow waves. isaac was still not yet accustomed to the water and was sort of half whining, half crying while his dad held him. out of the corner of my eye, i saw a jogger approaching from the left, so i lowered my camera to let the runner pass and so as not to have a blurry jogger in any of my shots. this person happened to be a gorgeous, thin, young woman wearing a bikini as she listened to her iPod and ran along the beach where the waves met the sand... right in front of isaac. as soon as this young sprinting beauty caught isaac's eye and attention, he stopped crying... i mean, immediately. and not only that, but his head spun on that neck as quickly as needed to follow her every step and not miss a beat. as soon as she was far enough away for him to care, he started crying again. but man, did that beach babe catch his eye! mr. b. and i laughed so hard afterward. busted, little man! busted!
just had to share that little side note.
anyway, i adore his expression in this photo. it's one i see on his face a lot these days. he has no concept of what wealth, status or popularity mean. he finds delight in pretty much everything... even his tiny green toothbrush. that kind of joy and innocence is the perfect antidote to the cynicism, bitterness or pessimism that can creep into old bones like ours. what a breath of fresh air he is.
i am daily amazed at the changes in my son. it's weird, but sometimes i feel like he'll go down for a nap and wake up a completely different person... like his personality, thinking or motor skills made leaps and bounds forward just in that short hour or two of sleep. often, the changes we witness are gradual. but i kid you not... there are days when those big overnight {or "overnap"} changes happen, too. it's one of the coolest and most surprising discoveries in regards to watching him grow up that i have come to know as a mom raising her first child.
he tests our limits. he makes more messes in less time than i have ever seen made by anyone else {thank God you can't see the condition of my home through your computer monitor!}. he has us pulling our hair out at times.
but our little squirt is, no doubt, without question, hands down, the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to us.
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I love the way you caught him there, the joy shining from his face is a treasure!
Wow! A year? Time sure flies.
Wonderful pic!!
this will be wonderful memories one day! i love how you put it into a film strip.
I think puppy's and babies have a lot in common. Such a cute pic, love it.
Your little boy is lovely. Thank you very much for your comment on my blog.
Lydia ♥♥♥
omygoodness ... this is adorable and the texture is PERFECT for the shot. Looks like it belongs in a magazine.
He is a handsome little boy.
Beach Babe looks so lovely. I like this photo so much: colors, compositon and style are wonderful :)
Excellent photo with beautiful colors and excellent lighting, a good portrait.
What a beautiful photo and what an adorable little boy. I love how you've used the textures - what a lovely, sunny photo - a lovely memory to treasure.
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, your comments are very much appreciated.
darling shot! The texture really gives it even more of a beachy feel
Oh my goodness, your little man is so darn cute! I love his little beach outfit! You captured a great shot of him. I know it's so hard getting a good pic of your kids when they start moving around. It only gets harder as they get older but I think this challenge turns you into a better photographer. I like the textures you used on this image. It created a bright and happy feeling! Have fun planning his first birthday and enjoy every moment...it goes by fast!
Gorgeous shot, love the expression you've caught on his face, so sweet! Love how you've used the textures too - it's never really occurred to me to use textures on people shots but you've inspired me to give it a go!
Oh Georgia, a year already...yes, time does move by so swiftly. You are so blessed with your sweet one and I am so happy to see that you are totally enjoying his every moment. Darling pic!!
thanks, all!
Adorable picture!
awesome! luv his expression and your wonderful processing =)
Awww...what a cutie pie. Great photo and love the use of textures.
They do seem to grow up fast...mine just turned 15 and it seems like yesterday he was staring Kindergarten...sigh.
Capture Life!
This is a priceless shot! I'm sure you will treasure it for years to come :)
Georgia b ... that is one adorable little boy, and this picture makes me smile! It reminds me of our son, now grown, but the memory of him as a little boy is, well, always just a moment away!! The texture is quite nice with this ... yes, it does look like a magazine ad! This is my first time here, and I love your blog! I must figure out this 'moving picture' theme! Looks fun! Thanks so much for coming by and for commenting earlier today! So very appreciated! Hope you don't mind, I'll be joining with the others, and following you, too! Have a great week! :)
ooooh, i really love your blog. I can see you personality so evident, even tho I have never met you personally. I'm your newest member. and your baby boy pic is so adorable. I finally have a grandson and he will grow up so fast. I still can't believe how fast a child changes in their first year. (i have 2 daughters and 3 granddaughters and 1 grandson)... ~ Renae
Georgia, your image of Isaac is gorgeous. He has such a wonderful expression on his face. Lovely processing too.
oh what a wonderful time to enjoy!! what a sweet boy!!
Beautiful image of your son and the texture works perfectly and yes the time does go really fast enjoy the time you have with him!
oh, thank you, all! your words about my sweet boy have made my day!
Really great image!
Isaac is a doll! My "baby" boy now has 4 babes of his own. You never outgrow being Mom to your son. Beautiful capture of a happy moment!
What a touching post! Loved it! I'm a Nikon D40 girl, too! :)
Oh my!! Just adorable! I love the pop colour with her expression.
What a cutie you have there! Beautiful shot, beautiful sentiment.
Hey GeorgiaB! Until recently I blogged at Mama May I. I'm no longer writing in that space. Owl and Twine is my new blog. Anyway, we've crossed paths there - that's probably why you feel as if you've *seen* me before. :)
Love this space of yours. It's always a breath of fresh air to visit.
i should have recognized you from your writing and your pictures!
tricky!! =)
i'll have to update my blogroll, now. thanks for letting me know.
So cute!
Beautiful edit!
What a great image and use of texture! He looks adorable - love the beach babe story!
Oh how fun! This picture adds joy to life...yes it does.
hahaha what a cheeky monkey looking at the woman jogging past .. I wonder if it's a boy thing because Josh chats up all the ladies whenever we are out and about. Gorgoeus picture hun, so gorgeous, I really wanna have a go at using textures on photo's, never done it before so will have to read up on how to do it.
Thank you for linking up sweetie x x
Beautiful shot! I like what the textures did for his skin tones.
What a great story! You had me smiling! Have to tell you that I am a grandma to a one year old who also loves the pertty ladies! Thank you for the lovely comment on my blog!
What a cute little guy!
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