and just in case you couldn't tell, i'm pretty darn happy about that!

well, okay... so i don't look quite as happy in this shot. but trust me, i am. i'm just contemplating what one whole year means. that's, like, old!

i made it! one whole year! it was 365 days ago that my mama pushed and pushed and pushed some more and finally forced me out into this crazy place we call earth.
you probably haven't seen much of my mama lately. she is busy planning my birthday party... she's stressing' a little. you see, she's never given a birthday party before... at least not one of this nature. hosting and entertaining 45+ people is a little overwhelming to someone who has never done it before. so you probably won't see much of her in the next couple days. tomorrow is the party, and sunday, she'll be crashing and recouping.
mean time, i thought i'd get on her blog and post these photos. they were not taken today on my birthday. but they are the most recent pictures my mom has of me... the closest photos to my actual birthday that exist.
i'd write more, by i am awfully out of sorts these days. i'm not eating, i had a fever the entire day, and all i feel like doing is laying around or cuddling with my mama... whereas, normally, i am getting into all kinds of things and wanting to play. i'm teething right now... the worst i've teethed yet. it's no fun, but it sure won't stop me from celebrating an entire year of life!
can you believe i made it? i'm flying high right now, 'cause my mom and dad seem pretty proud of me for making it this far. i think they like me!... just a little bit.
i hope to be back in a few days with some photos from my partay. i'll be the one with lots of chocolate frosting all over my face. have a super-duper weekend!
Happy birthday, gorgeous bub!
Yay, love a birthday party & 1 is pretty special- hope it all goes well!
What a cutie! Hope the party goes well ~ don't stress about it! :)
What a doll!!! Have a Very Happy Birthday little one!!!
happy birthday, dear mr. baby-b! I'll see you on saturday with a sack full of paper source mustaches in tow! ;-)
love, "auntie" heather
happy birthday!!!
this is so cute! love this post & the photos!
tell your mama that 45+ ppl party is well worth it! it'll be a little overwhelming, but in the end, FUN FUN!!!
have a great one!
Happy Birthday Isaac!!!!! I hope you had an amazing birthday with your amazing mama. :)
Happy Birthday, Isaac!
Isacc, I'm so glad you showed up here to let us know about your big day! I hope it was a happy one and that Mommy and Daddy enjoyed themselves. Sending you hugs and blessings...
oh sweet baby darlin......happy birthday !!!
but now i guess i have to call you "big boy" and talk in full sentences without any silliness to my voice.....cause that's what happens when you grow up.....
oh and the best part, in 15 more of these special birthdays, you'll get to drive around and see all your friends and high five them cause you'll be super cool at that age :)
big birthday hugs isaac !!!
your auntie beth loves you !!!
Happy Birthday sweet Isaac! Boy did that year go by fast!
thanks, all.
it was a very nice birthday. a nice party, too. didn't turn out how i would have liked it to, but was still nice.
thanks for all the wishes!
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